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Difference between version 3 and version 2:

At line 2 changed 2 lines.
Have you tried to install a appfuse project as a desktop application? No! Now you can do it! How?
Let's see how is simple to
Have you tried to install an appfuse project as a desktop application? No! Now you can do it! How?
Let's see how is simple to make AppFuse run on [Winstone|http://winstone.sourceforge.net/]:
At line 6 removed 3 lines.
The good news is I discovered that AppFuse runs on Resin 2.1.14 pretty good. The only modification you need to make is to comment-out or delete the entries for Clickstream's <listener> and <filter-mapping> in web.xml.
To install AppFuse on either version of Resin, you will need to copy your JBDC Driver, jta.jar, mail.jar and activation.jar to $RESIN_HOME/lib. Then include metadata/conf/resin-web-2.1.xml in appfuse.war's WEB-INF directory, or in the expanded WEB-INF directory. Rename it to resin-web.xml after you copy it. For Resin 3.0.x, use metadata/conf/resin-web.xml. You will need to fill in the database driver, connection and username/password information in these files.

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