Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

Happy Birthday, Jack!

Jack is growing up fast and today marks his 20th birthday. He's a sophomore at CU and loves to play basketball. In early July, we made a trip to Montana where he learned how to wakeboard and took a helicopter ride with Abbie and Baba (my dad).

Apparently, one handed is easier

Helicopter Glacier Viewing Tour with Red Eagle Aviation

He amazed us with his perseverance on the basketball court and at the gym this summer. He frequently exercised six hours a day! This could be one of the defining years of his life if he walks on to the CU basketball team. Either way, his dedication to the craft is awe-inspiring. He's in the best shape of his life. I'm impressed!

We believe in you, Jack. Happy Birthday, awesome one! 🖤💛

Posted in General at Aug 28 2024, 10:23:57 PM MDT Add a Comment

Farewell to the 2023-2024 Ski Season

This year's ski season was delightful! This was largely due to our acquisition of a new condo in the mountains, lots of free time to ski, and some epic powder days with friends. I achieved 30 days of skiing, with 19 being alpine and 11 being cross-country. The season started for me on October 30 when we got enough snow to go cross-country skiing in our backyard.

First ski of the season

We didn't make it up to the mountains for downhill skiing until mid-December. That's when we closed on our condo, nicely coinciding with Trish's birthday weekend.

Sunset on Fraser River Trail Fraser Sunset Corduroy at Winter Park

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Posted in General at Jun 27 2024, 09:30:45 AM MDT Add a Comment

My Marvelous Road Trip to the Utah JUG

I have many fond memories from speaking at the Utah JUG over the years. I fell in love with Utah when I worked at Overstock in 2011 and experienced the greatest snow on earth. It's wild to reminisce about 2018 too. I spoke at the Denver JUG on Wednesday, then woke up early on Thursday and drove eight hours (through multiple snow storms) and made it 15 minutes before my talk. I lost a windshield wiper in the process and didn't have time to replace it, so it permanently etched a line in the vehicle's windshield. In February 2020, I did a Rocky Mountain JUG tour with Ray Tsang. That's when I learned that Ray is really good at pool.

Because of these experiences, I always jump at the opportunity when I'm invited back. This year, I decided to take my time and do a road trip in my trusty VW Vanagon (Stout) to Utah. I planned to mountain bike in Fruita and Moab along the way, then ski at a couple Utah resorts before returning home.

Since I have the time, I'm road-tripping to speak at the Utah JUG on Thursday. I hope to find some nice powder and singletrack along the way. Wish me luck! #FunEmployment #StoutTheSyncro

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a storm coming the night before my departure on April 16th. I quickly altered my plans and fell into an 18" powder day at Copper Mountain on Tuesday morning.

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Posted in Java at May 22 2024, 09:35:09 AM MDT Add a Comment

A Delightful Trip to Devnexus

Devnexus is one of my favorite conferences in the world. I have many fond memories of attending over the years and some awkward ones, too. My first memory is when Micah Silverman and I worked at a Stormpath booth there in February 2017. Okta had just acquihired us and we weren't allowed to talk about it. We encouraged folks to sign up for our service even though we knew signups would shut down at the end of the week.

It's funny how life comes full circle. My employment with Okta officially ended the week before this year's Devnexus. I tried to cancel my talk when I first got the news, but Vincent and Pratik convinced me to go, and I knew it would be good for networking. I'm glad I did because I had a blast! It all started on Monday, April 8th.

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Posted in Java at May 11 2024, 10:27:21 AM MDT Add a Comment

Funemployment 2024

On February 1, I woke up to an unexpected email from my employer.

I laughed out loud at first, then smiled and felt an overwhelming sense of freedom. I went through a wide range of emotions that morning, but despair was never one of them. As a high performer on my team, I did not expect to be laid off. However, looking back over the last several months, there were a few indicators that it might happen.

I quickly realized the bright side of my situation:

  1. It was the middle of ski season, and
  2. I had nothing to do.

I was laid off on a Thursday morning and was scheduled to leave for Jfokus that Saturday. I was supposed to do a workshop, a talk, and help at the Okta booth. Since my talks used Okta products and it'd be weird to represent a company that just laid you off, I had to back out of the conference. It just didn't feel right.

The reason I had nothing to do is all of the activities I did on my computer were Okta-related. I didn't even have a personal computer. I did all my work on the company laptop and all of my open source contributions had a relationship to my work.

I received many inquiries from my tweet above and my LinkedIn post with the same message. I told everyone I was going to take a couple weeks to process things and skiing was my top priority. I've been unemployed in the past, but I never received any sort of severance, let alone one that lasted for months. I knew that this was the opportunity of a lifetime. Funemployment is the condition of a person who takes advantage of being out of a job to have the time of their life. This is my funemployment story.

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Posted in General at Apr 30 2024, 11:02:06 AM MDT 1 Comment

20 years ago today, I bought a VW Bus

On this day, 20 years ago, I bought a 1996 21-Window VW Bus. That morning, I found the listing on eBay and decided to buy it if the University of Denver (my alma mater) won the national college hockey championship.

Hmmm, if I could buy my dream car today and DU wins the National Championship tonight...

Update: Woooo HOOOOO - DU WON!!! I told myself earlier today that if they won, I'd buy the bus. So w/in 2 minutes of the win, I bought it! What a day. ;-)

10 years ago, it was still being restored.

The project is still progressing and it still feels like it'll be done soon. When I bought the bus 10 years ago, I thought I'd drive it a lot sooner. Then again, my expectation was that I'd incrementally improve it through the years and eventually get to something spectacular. Now we're on the cusp of spectacularity.

On March 7, 2018, Hefe was finally finished! I call him Hefe because it's a short version of Hefeweizen. He's from Germany, and his pain scheme looks like a nicely poured beer.

How it started: How it's going:
Before Hefe is ready for nice weather!

I've driven him around 7000 miles since he was completed. It’s been a wonderful adventure! 🥳

Posted in The Bus at Apr 10 2024, 02:46:44 PM MDT Add a Comment

2023 - A Year in Review

2023 started with a celebration of love in the Philippines. Trish and I traveled with friends to El Nido and Manila to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. It was a two-week trip that filled our souls with lasting memories.

Sunset by Trish McGinity The Whole Crew

2023 was a milestone year for our family. It's the year Jack graduated from high school!

It takes a village

Then, the Denver Nuggets won the NBA Championship, Jack started college at CU, and we became empty nesters. It was quite the year!

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Posted in General at Jan 06 2024, 06:16:02 PM MST Add a Comment

Goodbye, DU House. Thanks for all the memories!

On the weekend before I joined Stormpath as a full-time employee in 2016, we bought a house in the countryside and moved out of the city. We'd been looking for a while and finally found a place we loved. Trish liked that it was rigged for horses, with two pastures, a barn, and an outdoor riding arena nearby. I was happy because it had six garages, and I wanted a place to store Hefe the Bus now that he was finished. It's a beautiful place, and we're delighted to be here. The sunset dog walks in the backyard are spectacular.

Sunset Dog Walk

The only downside of moving to the Raible Ranch was we had to sell our mountain views in Fraser to afford it. We tried to sell our house near the University of Denver (DU) for a few months, but it didn't work. We decided to keep it as a rental instead. There was part of me that hoped one of the kids would go to DU (my alma mater) and they could stay there. When Jack started at CU Boulder this fall, we decided it was time to try and sell it again. My favorite feature of the DU house was the sauna my parents and I built in the basement.

Sauna my parents and I built Sauna by the Raibles

We recruited our friend, Michelle Addison, to help us sell it in early September. Not only was she instrumental in making the house look warm and wonderful, she created a bidding war, and we were under contract within days of listing it. We were thrilled! Thanks, Michelle!!

Thanks for all the memories!

Living Room Remodeled kitchen with tap Dining and Living Room

We closed on the DU house last week and are already under contract for a new place in Fraser. We're doing a 1031 exchange, which requires the new home to operate as a rental most of the time. We're excited to have a place in the mountains again! It has mountain and river views and is a short walk to the Fraser River Trail. We're due to close on it in mid-December. I'll make sure and write another post after we move in. 🥳

Posted in General at Nov 22 2023, 01:08:26 PM MST Add a Comment

Happy Birthday, Abbie!

Our oldest child turned 21 today! She's a junior at the University of Colorado in Boulder, living in an apartment with three roommates. Abbie is a joy to be around because she's always smiling and cracking jokes.

We journeyed up to Boulder this weekend to join her for the CU vs Oregon State game. We had a nice family dinner, celebrated the big event at her uncle's tailgate, then watched the game. We tried to take advantage of the time change after the game and do some bar hopping, but Jack couldn't get in anywhere.

CU Tailgate CU vs Oregon State

Her Mom, Julie, surprised her today by giving her a new car for her birthday. Abbie had no idea and was delighted with her first VW!

Abbie and her new VW!

Next weekend, we'll celebrate some more in Vegas. Trish and I will be going, along with Abbie, her boyfriend (Joseph), and Joseph's parents.

Happy Birthday, Abbie! We love you to the moon and back!! 🥰

Posted in General at Nov 05 2023, 10:44:01 PM MST Add a Comment

Summer 2023: Colorado, Montana, and Cape Cod

I've been remiss in writing about my month-long summer vacation. Mostly because life moves pretty fast with Jack heading off to college, things getting busy at work, and lots of wonderful weekends along the way. I'm finally looking around and sitting down to write this post at the end of October. Now is better than never!

This year, I took a month off from mid-June to mid-August. How did I take so much time off? Okta has a magnificent unlimited vacation policy.

The adventure started with a birthday golf tournament that Saturday to celebrate my 49th.

Saturday was my Birthday Golf Debacle with this awesome crew!

We had a nice family dinner at Sushi Den on Sunday.

Family photo time!

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Posted in General at Oct 30 2023, 11:45:21 PM MDT Add a Comment