Matt RaibleMatt Raible is a Web Developer and Java Champion. Connect with him on LinkedIn.

The Angular Mini-Book The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

For book updates, follow @angular_book on Twitter.

The JHipster Mini-Book The JHipster Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with hip technologies today: Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot. All of these frameworks are wrapped up in an easy-to-use project called JHipster.

This book shows you how to build an app with JHipster, and guides you through the plethora of tools, techniques and options you can use. Furthermore, it explains the UI and API building blocks so you understand the underpinnings of your great application.

For book updates, follow @jhipster-book on Twitter.


Over 10 years ago, I wrote my first blog post. Since then, I've authored books, had kids, traveled the world, found Trish and blogged about it all.

My Marvelous Road Trip to the Utah JUG

I have many fond memories from speaking at the Utah JUG over the years. I fell in love with Utah when I worked at Overstock in 2011 and experienced the greatest snow on earth. It's wild to reminisce about 2018 too. I spoke at the Denver JUG on Wednesday, then woke up early on Thursday and drove eight hours (through multiple snow storms) and made it 15 minutes before my talk. I lost a windshield wiper in the process and didn't have time to replace it, so it permanently etched a line in the vehicle's windshield. In February 2020, I did a Rocky Mountain JUG tour with Ray Tsang. That's when I learned that Ray is really good at pool.

Because of these experiences, I always jump at the opportunity when I'm invited back. This year, I decided to take my time and do a road trip in my trusty VW Vanagon (Stout) to Utah. I planned to mountain bike in Fruita and Moab along the way, then ski at a couple Utah resorts before returning home.

Since I have the time, I'm road-tripping to speak at the Utah JUG on Thursday. I hope to find some nice powder and singletrack along the way. Wish me luck! #FunEmployment #StoutTheSyncro

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw a storm coming the night before my departure on April 16th. I quickly altered my plans and fell into an 18" powder day at Copper Mountain on Tuesday morning.

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Posted in Java at May 22 2024, 09:35:09 AM MDT Add a Comment

A Delightful Trip to Devnexus

Devnexus is one of my favorite conferences in the world. I have many fond memories of attending over the years and some awkward ones, too. My first memory is when Micah Silverman and I worked at a Stormpath booth there in February 2017. Okta had just acquihired us and we weren't allowed to talk about it. We encouraged folks to sign up for our service even though we knew signups would shut down at the end of the week.

It's funny how life comes full circle. My employment with Okta officially ended the week before this year's Devnexus. I tried to cancel my talk when I first got the news, but Vincent and Pratik convinced me to go, and I knew it would be good for networking. I'm glad I did because I had a blast! It all started on Monday, April 8th.

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Posted in Java at May 11 2024, 10:27:21 AM MDT Add a Comment

The Angular Mini-Book 3.0 is now available!

I'm excited to announce that the Angular Mini-Book 3.0 is now available! You can download it in PDF and EPUB formats from InfoQ.

Angular Mini-Book Cover

About this book

The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, authentication, and end-to-end testing with Cypress.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy. What about deploying your Angular app to the cloud? Yep, it covers that too!

What's new?

This new edition uses Angular 15 and Spring Boot 3.0. Some other fun facts:

  • Tech reviewed by Angular expert Alisa Duncan. She improved many of the code samples, and I'm grateful for her help. You should follow her on Twitter!
  • First commit on 3.0 version: Feb 16, 2023
  • Files changed since 2.0: 558
  • Build date: June 9, 2023

You might say this book is outdated on launch. However, I created a GitHub Action to upgrade all the examples to use Angular 16 and Spring Boot 3.1. This action proves all the code should work if you create apps with the latest Angular and Spring Boot versions. 😊

To send us feedback or issues, e-mail InfoQ at [email protected], email me at [email protected], or hit me up on Twitter @mraible.

Posted in Open Source at Jun 23 2023, 05:44:05 AM MDT Add a Comment

The Angular Mini-Book 2.0 is now available!

I'm pumped to announce that the Angular Mini-Book 2.0 has been released! You can download it in PDF and EPUB formats from InfoQ.

Angular Mini-Book Cover

About this book

The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication.

Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy. What about deploying your Angular app to the cloud? Yep, it covers that too!

What's new?

This new edition (2.0) uses Angular 13 and Spring Boot 2.6. Some other fun facts:

  • First commit on 2.0 version: Nov 19, 2021 { Thanks to James Ward for his help upgrading to Knative 1.0! }
  • Upgraded the book's project to use Gradle 7: Dec 2, 2021 { I appreciate you Guillaume Grossetie! }
  • Upgraded to Angular 13 and Spring Boot 2.6.1: Jan 7, 2022
  • Detailed QA of all the code: Jan 27 - Feb 10, 2022
  • Files changed since 1.0: 244
  • Build date: Feb 17, 2022

For more information about this book, please read my post about its 1.0 release.

To send us feedback or issues, e-mail InfoQ at [email protected], email me at [email protected], or hit me up on Twitter @mraible.

Posted in Open Source at Feb 18 2022, 08:24:39 AM MST 3 Comments

The Angular Mini-Book 1.0 is now available!

I'm pleased to announce that the Angular Mini-Book has been released! You can download it in PDF and EPUB formats from InfoQ.

Angular Mini-Book Cover

About this book

The Angular Mini-Book is a guide to getting started with Angular. You'll learn how to develop a bare-bones application, test it, and deploy it. Then you'll move on to adding Bootstrap, Angular Material, continuous integration, and authentication. Spring Boot is a popular framework for building REST APIs. You'll learn how to integrate Angular with Spring Boot and use security best practices like HTTPS and a content security policy.

This initial edition (v1.0) uses Angular 12 and Spring Boot 2.5. I do plan on updating it for Angular 13 and Spring Boot 2.6. If you have any tips for upgrading, please let me know!

Purpose of the book

I think building web and mobile applications with Angular, Bootstrap, and Spring Boot is a great experience. I'd like to encourage more developers to try it.


I'm incredibly grateful to Trish, Abbie, and Jack. They put up with my late nights and extended screen time while I worked on this book.

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Posted in Open Source at Nov 17 2021, 02:48:40 PM MST Add a Comment

Secure by Design Book Review

I recently finished reading Secure by Design by Dan Bergh Johnsson, Daniel Deogun, and Daniel Sawano. I started reading it shortly after I received it as a gift from Dan Bergh Johnsson at Jfokus 2020.

Secure by Design hooked me from the beginning. Chapter 1 dives right in and shows why design matters for security and how security shouldn't be an afterthought. The authors show how developers will have a difficult time grokking security if you make them remember security-related API calls. However, if you bake security into your design and codify your security practices, developers will be more secure by default.

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Posted in Java at May 25 2020, 08:11:22 PM MDT 1 Comment

A Fantastically Fun February at Jfokus 2020 and the Rocky Mountain JUGs

Jfokus is one of my favorite conferences in the world. It takes place in Stockholm, Sweden, during one of the coldest months of the year. As a native Montanan, I love the winter season and skiing. It was with great pleasure that I returned to Jfokus as a speaker this year, after skipping the last couple of years.

Made it to Stockholm!

True story: the last time I was at Jfokus was 2017, and Okta had just acquired Stormpath. I negotiated my Okta employment terms in the Radisson Blu lobby!

I gave three talks this year: two on the main stage during Jfokus and one at Jforum Stockholm on Tuesday evening.

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Posted in Java at Mar 15 2020, 02:24:25 PM MDT Add a Comment

A Beautiful Adventure to JBCNConf, Barcelona, and Boston

I love it when school's out for summer. The feeling you on the last day of school as a kid is like no other. It's a terrific feeling. The feeling of freedom. Our kids graduated from 10th and 8th grade at the end of May. We didn't give them much time to rejoice and whisked them off to Barcelona for a few days at JBCNConf and a bit of family vacation.

Sunrise in Lisbon Yeehaw!

Oh my, it was so much fun! First of all, there's nothing like traveling to a foreign land, bringing some of your favorite people with you, and getting to experience it with old and new friends. We arrived on Sunday and experienced a wonderful evening at a conservatory for the speaker's dinner.

JBCNConf Speakers Dinner View

Speakers Dinner

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Posted in Java at Jun 29 2019, 09:33:15 AM MDT Add a Comment

GIDS 2019: Adventures in India

I had the pleasure of traveling to Bangalore, India last week for the 2019 edition of the Great International Developer Summit. GIDS is a conference that spans five days and has around 5000 developers each year. The conference charges on a per-day basis, and adds the attendees from each day to its total, so it's not huge, but it's pretty big with 1000+ developers each day.

A week before I left Denver, I solicited the advice of my good friend, Scott Davis. I asked him about the weather, the conference, and India in general. He advised me to wear lightweight clothing, no shorts when speaking and be wary of the wi-fi at the conference. He also mentioned the burgeoning microbrewery scene in "the Silicon Valley of India."

I've always been interested in traveling to India. My sister, Kalin, went there as part of her university studies 20 years ago. She studied Buddhism for four months on that journey and even got to meet the Dalai Lama. I thought it'd be fun to bring her along for my first trip to India. We rendezvoused in Seattle on the way, taking the picture below on Friday afternoon, April 19.

I picked up a travel buddy in Seattle. My awesome sister, Kalin, is coming with me!

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Posted in Java at May 02 2019, 09:54:15 AM MDT Add a Comment

Life as an Open Source Developer, One Year Later

It's been a little over a year since I wrote about life as an open source developer. I'm happy to say I still haven't written a single line of proprietary code. Of course, things have changed a lot in the last year. I thought going full-time would bring stability to my career. Instead, six months into it we joined forces with Okta.

The transition was rough at first. At Stormpath, we had full-featured SDKs and a great relationship with developers that used our service. We were able to port many of our SDKs to work with Okta, but we discovered that Okta didn't have a great relationship with developers. In fact, their developer blog hadn't been updated in over a year when we arrived.

On the upside, Okta's API supported standards like SAML, OAuth, and OpenID Connect. Open standards made it possible to use other frameworks and not have to rely on our own. I was pumped to find that Spring Security made it easy to integrate with SAML and OAuth. In fact, I was able to leverage these standards to add OIDC support to JHipster.

Okta's new developer console and open pricing are just a couple examples of improved happenings since we arrived. The Okta Spring Boot Starter and JavaScript libraries for Node.js, Angular, and React are also pretty awesome.

I'm happy to say my contributions on GitHub almost doubled in the last year!

GitHub Contributions 2017

As far as stress is concerned, that hasn't changed much. I've learned that the stress I feel from work is still causing me to have high blood pressure. When I measure it in the mornings, or at night, it's fine. When I measure it during the day, it's elevated. I believe my high blood pressure is caused by doing too much. Sure, it's great to be productive and accomplish a lot for my company, but it's killing me.

Therein lies the rub. I get to create my job. All I'm asked to do is write a blog post per week and speak at a conference (or meetup) once a month. Yet I'm doing way more than that. Since this time last year, I've delivered 33 presentations, in 13 different cities. I keep a page on this blog updated with all my presentations.

Next year, I still plan to speak a lot, but I plan on toning things down a bit. I'll be concentrating on US cities, with large Java user groups, and I'll be limiting my travel overseas.

Matt the Hipster Outside of my health concerns, I'm still loving my job. The fact that I get paid to speak at great conferences, write example applications, and discover new ways to do things is awesome. It's also pretty sweet that I was able to update the JHipster Mini-Book and upgrade 21-Points Health during work hours. The fact that I got featured on the main Okta blog was pretty cool too.

The good news is my overseas travel isn't done this year. Today, I leave for Devoxx Belgium, one of my favorite conferences. It'll be my first time in Antwerp without Trish. However, I'm speaking with friends Josh Long and Deepu Sasidharan, so it's sure to be a good time. Traveling to Devoxx Morocco should be fun too. I've never been to Casablanca before.

In December, you can catch me at SpringOne and The Rich Web Experience. Next year, I'll be speaking at Denver Microservices meetup, Utah JUG, Seattle JUG, and JazzCon. I plan to do a JUG tour in the northeast US too.

You might've noticed I don't write a lot of technical content here anymore. That's because I'm doing most of my writing on I'm still writing for InfoQ as well. I really enjoyed attending the JavaOne keynotes and writing up what I saw.

I'll leave you with this, a project I'm working on actively and plan to finish before Devoxx Morocco.

Viva la Open Source!

Posted in Open Source at Nov 06 2017, 08:33:17 AM MST 2 Comments