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Difference between version 117 and version 64:

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This page is designed to document the things [I|MattRaible] want to do with AppFuse in 2004. Feel free to add suggestions as you see fit.
This page is designed to document what's on the roadmap for future versions of AppFuse. Feel free to add suggestions as you see fit. For a more detailed report of where we are on the roadmap, see the [roadmap in JIRA|http://issues.appfuse.org/browse/APF?report=com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.project:roadmap-panel].
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!!AppFuse 1.7 - hopefully before the end of 2004
* Add [Tapestry|http://jakarta.apache.org/tapestry/] as a web framework choice.
* Add [JSF|http://java.sun.com/j2ee/javaserverfaces/] as a web framework choice.
* Add installer for Resin that rebuilds build.xml for Resin instead of Tomcat.
!!AppFuse 2.0 - late 2006
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!Milestone 1
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Maven 2 integration</span>
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Migrate from CVS to Subversion</span>
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Remove XDoclet, putting generated files into source tree</span>
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Get all flavors (WARs) deployed and running on Tomcat and Jetty Maven Plugin</span>
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Spring 2.0: Upgrade XML to XSDs, annotations where appropriate</span>
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Upgrade WebWork to Struts 2</span>
* Documentation - move to new Confluence or DocBook-based system for 2.0 documentation
!Milestone 2
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through">[JDK 5, Annotations and JSP 2.0|http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=appfuse_2_0_jdk_5]</span>
* Archetypes for creating new AppFuse projects
* Documentation, including screencasts for tutorials
!Milestone 3
* Integrate XFire by default (for existing classes and generated classes)
* Code Generation/AppGen - hopefully with the [AppFuse Maven Plugin|http://mojo.codehaus.org/appfuse-maven-plugin/]
* Documentation
!2.0 Nice to haves
* TestNG replacing JUnit
* Hibernate Validation Annotations (hard part is hooking it into the web frameworks)
* Tomcat Plugin for Maven (that operates like Jetty's plugin) (Looks like there is a [Maven 2 Tomcat Plugin|http://mojo.codehaus.org/tomcat-maven-plugin/introduction.html] that supports [tomcat:run|http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MOJO-384] and [tomcat:run-war|http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MOJO-567] (pending))
* JPA Support
* Support for JDK 1.4 using something like [Retroweaver|http://retroweaver.sourceforge.net/]
* Support for using Ant to build/test/deploy AppFuse-based projects
* Someone to do all the documentation ;-)
!!AppFuse 2.1 - early 2007
* Search using [Compass|http://www.opensymphony.com/compass/], tutorials already existing for [Spring MVC|http://www.nabble.com/search---integrate-compass-%28lucene%29-and-appfuse-p5022176s2369.html] and [JSF|http://www.nabble.com/RE%3A-search---integrate-compass-%28lucene%29-and-appfuse-p5222253s2369.html]
* Pageable lists that only fetch a specified number of records (i.e. 10 at a time)
* Ajax Goodies (TBD)
!!AppFuse 2.2
* Convention over configuration, no XML modifications needed when adding new files
* Plugin API so all "features" can be added/removed via plugins
* Add Wicket and Stripes as supported web frameworks
At line 9 changed 3 lines.
* (Possibly) Add a Swing client that can talk to at least one of the above frameworks (if not all).
* (Possibly) Add a [Laszlo|http://laszlosystems.com] front-end. I've heard this might be possible with Tapestry or JSF.
* (Really don't want to) Offer Maven as an alternative to building with Ant. This will likely make the IDE integration easier as it's not very good right now.
* (Possibly) Add a Swing/RCP, Laszlo and/or J2ME front-end
* Change from using Canoo WebTest to using [Selenium|http://openqa.org/selenium/] for UI testing ([Maven + Selenium HowTo|http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/Maven+and+Selenium])
* [What others would like to see|http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd/Weblog/if_you_could_add_another]
At line 13 changed 1 line.
!!Various Ideas - don't know if I'll use them'
!!Various Ideas - don't know if we'll use them
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* Use JMeter or Microsoft's Web Application Testing tool to configure load testing scripts for inclusion in the distribution. Motivated by [this post|http://blog.rossmason.com/archives/000025.html].
* Create tutorial on how to integrate Quartz.
* Create tutorial on how to integrate Lucene for searching users.
* Use Spring for Quartz, <span style="text-decoration: line-through">JavaMail and Velocity</span> (completed in 1.6).
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Integrate <a href="http://tuckey.org/urlrewrite/">UrlRewriteFilter</a> for prettier URLs</span> (completed in 1.6).
* Use JMeter, Grinder or Microsoft's Web Application Testing tool to configure load testing scripts for inclusion in the distribution. Motivated by [this post|http://blog.rossmason.com/archives/2004/02/jmeter_measures_up.html].
* <span style="text-decoration: line-through">Create tutorial on how to integrate Quartz (using Spring).</span> See Luciano Fiandesio's <a href="http://www.lucianofiandesio.com/javatales/qtzfuse.html">AppFuse and Quartz: an integration tutorial</a>.

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