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Difference between version 98 and version 97:

At line 3 changed 7 lines.
!!AppFuse 1.9 - October 2005
* Replace AppFuse custom features with Acegi features: SSL Switching, Password Encryption, Remember Me.
* Research using a local DataSource (w/ connection pool) instead of a JNDI DataSource. This should be easy with [Commons DBCP|http://myjavablog.blogspot.com/2005/06/spring-connection-pooling-with-dbcp.html] (or [C3PO's ComboPooledDataSource|http://tom.tharrisx.homedns.org/javalib/c3p0-]) and Spring.
* Create iBATIS Tutorial and (possibly) AppGen integration.
* Look into adding one-to-many UI support to AppGen.
* Look into Ivy or Maven 2's Ant Tasks dependency management. ;-) Also, checkout the [Necessitas|http://kevin.oneill.id.au/2005/06/06/necessitas-jar-management-for-eclipse] Eclipse plugin.
* [More from JIRA|http://issues.appfuse.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&pid=10000&fixfor=10001]
!!AppFuse 2.0 - late 2006
At line 11 removed 2 lines.
!!AppFuse 2.0 - late 2005
At line 6 added 5 lines.
* Maven 2 integration while (hopefully) continuing to support Ant. Ideally, we could use Maven to generate Ant files. However, the Maven Ant Plugin has [quite a few issues|http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/IssueNavigator.jspa?reset=true&mode=hide&sorter/order=DESC&sorter/field=priority&resolution=-1&pid=11124&fixfor=-1] that need to be fixed first.
* Support for JDK 1.4 using something like [Retroweaver|http://retroweaver.sourceforge.net/].
* Replace Struts with Struts Action 2 (a.k.a. WebWork) and remove extras/webwork.
* Support for using AppFuse as a library.
* Support for creating a new project using AppFuse as an archetype (from Maven).
At line 12 added 4 lines.
!!AppFuse 2.1
* Search using [Compass|http://www.opensymphony.com/compass/]
* Pageable lists that only fetch a specified number of records (i.e. 10 at a time).
At line 16 removed 1 line.
* Add installer for Resin that rebuilds build.xml for Resin instead of Tomcat. There's not much demand for this right now, so I've postponed it.
At line 18 changed 2 lines.
* (Possibly) Add a [Laszlo|http://laszlosystems.com] front-end. I've heard this might be possible with Tapestry or JSF.
* (Really don't want to) Offer Maven as an alternative to building with Ant. This will likely make the IDE integration easier as it's not very good right now.
* (Possibly) Add a [Laszlo|http://laszlosystems.com] front-end.
* (Possibly) Add Wicket as a supported web framework.

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