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Here are some articles I've written or refined (or just linking to) that folks seem to find useful:
Here are some articles I've written, refined or just linking to that folks seem to find useful. The latest and greatest one is [Seven simple reasons to use AppFuse|http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/java/library/j-appfuse].
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!!Java Development
If you've just downloaded AppFuse and want to setup it up on your machine, your best bet is the [QuickStart Guide|AppFuseQuickStart]. Otherwise, you're probably looking for some more advanced stuff, like the [AppFuse] Tutorials I've written:
<div style="border: 1px solid #F0C000; background-color: #FFFFCE; padding: 10px">__NOTE:__ This wiki and its contents are for AppFuse 1.x. If you'd like to use AppFuse 2.x, please see the [new wiki|http://appfuse.org] or the [AppFuse 2.x QuickStart Guide|http://appfuse.org/display/APF/AppFuse+QuickStart].</div>
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!!AppFuse Tutorials
If you've just downloaded AppFuse and want to setup it up on your machine, your best bet is the [QuickStart Guide|AppFuseQuickStart]. Once you've got everything setup, the tutorials below are a great resource for learning how to develop with [AppFuse].
%%note __NOTE:__ These tutorials are included in AppFuse's distribution. If you want to update your project's copy (in the ''docs'' directory), run "ant wiki".%%
As of 1.6.1, you can generate most of the code covered in these tutorials. If you're using Struts+Hibernate, you can generate ''__all__'' of it. For Spring and WebWork, it was too much trouble to write the installers so you will need to manually configure the Controllers and Actions. This was mainly due to the fact that I'm not using XDoclet for these web frameworks and the limitations of using Ant as an installer. The __AppGen__ tool which generates the code is covered in [Part I|CreateDAO].
There's also an [AppFuse Generator|http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=the_appfuse_generator] project that has similar functionality to AppGen.
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__Part II:__ [Creating new Managers|CreateManager] - A HowTo for creating [Business Delegates|http://java.sun.com/blueprints/corej2eepatterns/Patterns/BusinessDelegate.html] that talk to the database tier (DAOs) and the web tier (Struts Actions).
;:''Translations: [Chinese|CreateDAO_zh], [German|CreateDAO_de], [Italian|CreateDAO_it], [Korean|CreateDAO_ko], [Portuguese|CreateDAO_pt], [Spanish|CreateDAO_es]''
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__Part III:__ [Creating Actions and JSPs|CreateActions] - A HowTo for creating Actions and JSPs in the AppFuse architecture.
__Part II:__ [Creating new Managers|CreateManager] - A HowTo for creating Business Facades that talk between the database tier (DAOs) and the web tier (Actions or Controllers).
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;:''... or the [Spring MVC version|SpringControllers] - A HowTo for creating Controllers and JSPs.''
;:''Translations: [Chinese|CreateManager_zh], [Italian|CreateManager_it], [Korean|CreateManager_ko], [Portuguese|CreateManager_pt], [Spanish|CreateManager_es]''
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__Part IV:__ [Configuring Tiles and Action CRUD methods|ConfiguringTiles] - Integrating personForm.jsp with Tiles, replacing execute with different CRUD methods (add, edit, delete), customizing the JSP so it looks good and finally - writing a WebTest to test the JSPs functionality.
__Part III:__ __(Struts)__ [Creating Struts Actions and JSPs|CreateActions] - A HowTo for creating Actions and JSPs in your AppFuse project. Includes generating JSPs and customizing them to look good. Also, you will write a WebTest to test the JSPs functionality. Other web framework options are as follows:
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;:''... or the [Spring MVC version|ConfiguringTilesSpring] configuring Tiles and a FormController.''
;:''Translations: [Chinese|CreateActions_zh], [Italian|CreateActions_it], [Korean|CreateActions_ko], [Portuguese|CreateActions_pt]''
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__Part V:__ [Adding Validation and List Screen|ValidationAndList] - Adding validation logic to the personForm so that firstName and lastName are required fields and adding a list screen to display all person records in the database.
* __<span style="color: green">Spring:</span>__ [Creating Spring Controllers and JSPs|SpringControllers]
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;:''... or the [Spring MVC version|ValidationAndListSpring] for adding validation and a Controller for the list screen.''
;:''Translations: [Italian|SpringControllers_it], [Korean|SpringControllers_ko], [Portuguese|SpringControllers_pt]''
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Other related articles:
* __<span style="color: blue">WebWork:</span>__ [Creating WebWork Actions and JSPs|WebWorkActions]
* __<span style="color: purple">JSF:</span>__ [Creating JSF Beans and JSPs|JSFBeans]
* __<span style="color: orange">Tapestry:</span>__ [Creating Tapestry Pages and Templates|TapestryPages]
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__Part IV:__ __(Struts)__ [Adding Validation and List Screen|ValidationAndList] - Adding validation logic to the personForm so that firstName and lastName are required fields and adding a list screen to display all person records in the database.
;:''Translations: [Chinese|ValidationAndList_zh], [Italian|ValidationAndList_it], [Korean|ValidationAndList_ko], [Portuguese|ValidationAndList_pt]''
* __<span style="color: green">Spring:</span>__ [Adding Validation and List Screen|ValidationAndListSpring]
;:''Translations: [Korean|ValidationAndListSpring_ko], [Portuguese|ValidationAndListSpring_pt]''
* __<span style="color: blue">WebWork:</span>__ [Adding Validation and List Screen|ValidationAndListWebWork]
* __<span style="color: purple">JSF:</span>__ [Adding Validation and List Screen|ValidationAndListJSF]
* __<span style="color: orange">Tapestry:</span>__ [Adding Validation and List Screen|ValidationAndListTapestry]
%%note __NOTE:__ You can generate the files created in these tutorials by using [AppGen]. If you experience problems - you should be able to compare your results to what AppGen does. To do this, cd into extras/appgen, and run "ant test-detailed". This will create an "appfuse-appgen" project, generate the code in these tutorials, and test everything.%%
<a name="thogau"></a>
!!Thomas Gaudin's Excellent AppFuse Tutorials
Thomas Gaudin has put together a couple of detailed and easy-to-follow tutorials on his site.
* [Handling Dates with AppFuse and Struts|http://www.thogau.net/tutorials/date/]
* [Building a persisted dynamic web tree|http://www.thogau.net/tutorials/tree/]
* [Flexi-Float Sitemesh decorator for AppFuse|http://www.thogau.net/howto/flexi-float/]
* [Lucene Integration with Spring and Hibernate|http://www.thogau.net/howto/lucene/]
* [Handling complex objects with XDoclet, Hibernate and Struts|http://www.thogau.net/tutorials/pojo.html]
!Related AppFuse HowTos
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;:''Translations: [Korean|DevelopmentEnvironment_ko], [Portuguese|DevelopmentEnvironment_pt]''
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** Using AppFuse with [MyEclipse|http://www.myeclipseide.com/]: [Part I|http://www.jroller.com/page/RickHigh/20040119#integrating_appfuse_with_eclipse_2] and [Part II|http://www.jroller.com/page/RickHigh/20040120#getting_myeclipse_to_work_with].
;:''Translations: [Portuguese|AppFuseEclipse_pt]''
* [Integrating AppFuse and NetBeans 5.0|http://blogs.sun.com/roller/page/vkraemer?entry=integrating_appfuse_and_netbeans_5]
* Using AppFuse with [MyEclipse|http://www.myeclipseide.com/]: [Part I|http://www.jroller.com/page/RickHigh/20040119#integrating_appfuse_with_eclipse_2] and [Part II|http://www.jroller.com/page/RickHigh/20040120#getting_myeclipse_to_work_with].
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* [Using Anthill to automate AppFuse testing|AppFuseAnthill].
* How to [run your AppFuse web application and testcases in a debugger|AppFuseDebug].
* [Using Anthill|AppFuseAnthill] or [CruiseControl|AppFuseCruiseControl] to automate AppFuse testing.
* How do I [create object relationships with Hibernate|HibernateRelationships].
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* How to [run AppFuse on Orion|AppFuseOnOrion].
* How to [run AppFuse on Winstone|AppFuseOnWinstone].
* How to run AppFuse on Oracle Application Server [version 9.0.4|AppFuseOnOracleAS] and [10g Release 2|AppFuseOnOracleAS10g].
* How to [run AppFuse on Oracle|RunningOnOracle].
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* How to [run AppFuse on PostgreSQL|AppFuseOnPostgreSQL].
* How to [run AppFuse on MS SQL|AppFuseWithSQLServer].
* How to [run AppFuse on IBM WSAD and Websphere 5.1 local test environment|http://raibledesigns.com/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=AppFuseWSAD].
* How to integrate [Compass with Spring MVC|http://www.nabble.com/search---integrate-compass-%28lucene%29-and-appfuse-p5022176s2369.html] and [Struts and the Display Tag|http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?entry=integrating_compass_with_appfuse_and].
* How to integrate [Quartz with AppFuse|http://www.lucianofiandesio.com/javatales/qtzfuse.html] by Luciano Fiandesio.
* How to integrate [jBPM into AppFuse|IntegratingJBPMIntoAppFuse] by Ameer Ahmed.
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* How to [add a library dependancy into AppFuse|AppFuseAddLibrary].
* How to [add a servlet into AppFuse|AppFuseAddServlet].
* How to [autogenerate PDF documents from DAO layer|POJOToPDF].
* How to [automatically generate random data|TestData].
* How to [integrate code coverage tool with AppFuse|CodeCoverage]
* How to [provide Axis Webservices with AppFuse|AppFuseAxis].
* How to [provide XFire Webservices with AppFuse|AppFuseXFire].
* How to [integrate DWR into AppFuse|http://lifeasastruct.blogspot.com/2005/10/ajax-on-appfuse.html].
* How to [integrate the code coverage tool Cobertura|AppFuseCobertura]
* How to [integrate EasyMock for mock testing|AppFuseEasyMock]
* How to [use AppFuse + XFire with OpenLaszlo|AppFuseXFireOpenLaszlo]
* How to [integrate ACEGIs ACLs in AppFuse|AppFuseAcegiACL]
* How to [make use of AJAX using DWR in AppFuse|AppFuseAjaxWithDWR]
* How to [integrate AppFuse and AjaxTags autocomplete|http://www.lucianofiandesio.com/javatales/ajxfuse.html]
* How to [use xsnapshot for DTO instead of BeanUtils|AppFuseXSnapshot]
* How to [use Drools with AppFuse|http://lifeasastruct.blogspot.com/2006/03/drools-on-appfuse.html]
* How to [Create an AJAX based fileupload progressbar dialog]
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* Tips for [configuring Tomcat|AppFuseOnTomcat]
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* [AppFuse Developer Tips|DeveloperTips]
* [AppFuse Rich Client Integration|RichClient]
* [AppFuse Visualised Beans |VisualBeans]

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