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!!!AppFuse Tutorial
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여기에 내가 쓰고 나름대로 보기 편하게 편집한 몇가지 글과 유용한 링크들이 있다.
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If you've just downloaded AppFuse and want to setup it up on your machine, your best bet is the QuickStart Guide. Once you've got everything setup, the tutorials below are a great resource for learning how to develop with AppFuse.
!!! AppFuse 튜토리얼
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만약 당신이 AppFuse를 다운로드하고 당신의 컴퓨터에 이것을 셋업하길 원한다면, 당신에게 가장 좋은 방법은 [QuickStart Guide|AppFuseQuickStart_ko] 를 참조하는 것이다. 기본적으로 필요한 모든것이 셋업되었다면, 아래의 튜토리얼은 [AppFuse|AppFuse_ko]를 사용하여 개발하기 위한 방법을 배우기 위해 가장 좋은 자원들이다.
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<b>NOTE:</b> These tutorials are included in AppFuse's distribution. If you want to update your project's copy (in the docs directory), run "ant wiki".
<b>NOTE:</b> 이 튜토리얼은 AppFuse배포버전에 포함되어 있다. 만약 당신이 프로젝트 복사본을 수정하길 원한다면, "ant wiki"를 수행하라.
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As of 1.6.1, you can generate most of the code covered in these tutorials. If you're using Struts+Hibernate, you can general all of it. For Spring and WebWork, it was too much trouble to write the installers so you will need to manually configure the Controllers and Actions. This was mainly due to the fact that I'm not using XDoclet for these web frameworks and the limitations of using Ant as an installer. The AppGen tool which generates the code is covered in Part I.
1.6.1부터, 당신은 이 튜토리얼에서 다루어지는 대부분의 코드를 생성할수 있다. 만약 당신이 Struts와 Hibernate를 연동해서 사용하고자 한다면, 당신은 이것의 {{all}}을 선택할수 있다. Spring과 WebWork를 위해서는, 인스톨러를 작성하는데 너무나 많은 문제를 발생시키기 때문에, 당신은 Controller와 Action을 직접 설정할 필요가 있다. 이러한 문제는 내가 웹프레임워크를 위한 XDoclet를 사용하지 않고 인스톨러인 Ant사용의 제한점 때문이다. 코드를 생성하는 __AppGen__툴은 [Part I|CreateDAO_ko]에서 다루어진다.
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There's also an AppFuse Generator project that has similar functionality to AppGen.
여기에 AppGen과 유사한 기능을 가지는 [AppFuse Generator|http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=the_appfuse_generator] 프로젝트도 있다.
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__Part I:__ [AppFuse&#50640;&#49436; &#49352;&#47196;&#50868; DAO&#46308;&#44284; Object&#46308;&#51012; &#51089;&#49457;&#54616;&#44592;|CreateDAO] - Java Object(table&#51012; &#45208;&#53440;&#45236;&#45716;)&#50752; &#51060; object&#46308;&#51012; &#45936;&#51060;&#53440; &#48288;&#51060;&#49828;&#50640; &#51200;&#51109; &#49884;&#53412;&#45716; Java &#53364;&#47000;&#49828;&#46308;&#51012; &#47564;&#46300;&#45716; &#48169;&#48277;.
__Part I:__ [AppFuse내 새로운 DAO와 객체 생성하기|CreateDAO_ko] - Java Object(table을 나타내는)와 이 object들을 데이타 베이스에 저장 시키는 Java 클래스들을 만드는 방법.
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__Part II:__ [&#49352;&#47196;&#50868; Managers &#51089;&#49457;&#54616;&#44592;|CreateManager] - &#45936;&#51060;&#53440;&#48288;&#51060;&#49828; &#44228;&#52789;(DAOs)&#44284; &#50937; &#44228;&#52789;(Struts Actions)&#44284;&#51032; &#50672;&#44208;&#51012; &#50948;&#54620; Business Facades &#53364;&#47000;&#49828;&#47484; &#47564;&#46300;&#45716; &#48169;&#48277;.
__Part II:__ [새로운 관리자 생성하기|CreateManager_ko] - 데이타베이스 계층(DAOs)과 웹 계층(Struts Actions)과의 연결을 위한 Business Facades 클래스를 만드는 방법.
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__Part III: (Struts)__ [Actions &#53364;&#47000;&#49828; &#46308;&#44284; JSP &#51089;&#49457;&#54616;&#44592;|CreateActions] - Action &#53364;&#47000;&#49828;&#46308;&#44284; JSP &#54168;&#51060;&#51648;&#46308;&#51012; &#47564;&#46300;&#45716; &#48169;&#48277;.
* __<span style="color: green">Spring:</span>__ [Spring Controller&#50752; JSP&#51089;&#49457;&#54616;&#44592;|SpringControllers]
* __<span style="color: blue">WebWork:</span>__ [WebWork Action &#53364;&#47000;&#49828; &#46308;&#44284; JSP&#51089;&#49457;&#54616;&#44592;|WebWorkActions]
* __<span style="color: purple">JSF:</span>__ [JSF Bean&#46308;&#44284; JSP&#51089;&#49457;&#54616;&#44592;|JSFBeans]
* __<span style="color: orange">Tapestry:</span>__ [Tapestry&#54168;&#51060;&#51648;&#46308;&#44284; Template&#51089;&#49457;&#54616;&#44592;|TapestryPages]
__Part III: (Struts)__ [Struts Actions 과 JSP 생성하기|CreateActions_ko] - Action 클래스들과 JSP 페이지들을 만드는 방법.
* __<span style="color: green">Spring:</span>__ [Creating Spring Controllers and JSPs|SpringControllers_ko]
* __<span style="color: blue">WebWork:</span>__ [Creating WebWork Actions and JSPs|WebWorkActions_ko]
* __<span style="color: purple">JSF:</span>__ [Creating JSF Beans and JSPs|JSFBeans_ko]
* __<span style="color: orange">Tapestry:</span>__ [Creating Tapestry Pages and Templates|TapestryPages_ko]
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__Part IV: (Struts)__ [Validation &#44284; List &#54168;&#51060;&#51648; &#52628;&#44032;&#54616;&#44592;|ValidationAndList] - &#49457;&#44284; &#51060;&#47492;&#51012; &#54596;&#49688; &#54637;&#47785;&#51004;&#47196; &#54616;&#45716; &#50976;&#54952;&#49457; &#44160;&#49324; &#47196;&#51649;&#51012; personForm &#50640; &#52628;&#44032;&#54616;&#44256; &#45936;&#51060;&#53440; &#48288;&#51060;&#49828;&#50640; &#51080;&#45716; person &#47112;&#53076;&#46300;&#46308;&#51012; &#48372;&#50668;&#51452;&#45716; &#54868;&#47732;&#51012; &#52628;&#44032;&#54633;&#45768;&#45796;.
* __<span style="color: green">Spring:</span>__ [Validation&#44284; List&#54168;&#51060;&#51648; &#52628;&#44032;&#54616;&#44592;|ValidationAndListSpring]
* __<span style="color: blue">WebWork:</span>__ [Validation&#44284; List&#54168;&#51060;&#51648; &#52628;&#44032;&#54616;&#44592;|ValidationAndListWebWork]
* __<span style="color: purple">JSF:</span>__ [Validation&#44284; List&#54168;&#51060;&#51648; &#52628;&#44032;&#54616;&#44592;|ValidationAndListJSF]
* __<span style="color: orange">Tapestry:</span>__ [Validation&#44284; List&#54168;&#51060;&#51648; &#52628;&#44032;&#54616;&#44592;|ValidationAndListTapestry]
__Part IV: (Struts)__ [Validation 과 List를 추가하기|ValidationAndList_ko] - 성과 이름을 필수 항목으로 하는 유효성 검사 로직을 personForm 에 추가하고 데이타 베이스에 있는 person 레코드들을 보여주는 화면을 추가합니다.
* __<span style="color: green">Spring:</span>__ [Adding Validation and List Screen|ValidationAndListSpring_ko]
* __<span style="color: blue">WebWork:</span>__ [Adding Validation and List Screen|ValidationAndListWebWork_ko]
* __<span style="color: purple">JSF:</span>__ [Adding Validation and List Screen|ValidationAndListJSF_ko]
* __<span style="color: orange">Tapestry:</span>__ [Adding Validation and List Screen|ValidationAndListTapestry_ko]
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<div class="note">
__NOTE__: 당신은 [AppGen|AppGen_ko]을 사용하여 이 튜토리얼내 만들어지는 파일들을 생성할수 있다. 만약 문제를 발견한다면, 당신은 AppGen이 수행하는 것에 당신의 결과를 비교할수 있어야만 한다. 이것을 하기 위해, extras/appgen으로 이동하고, "ant test-detailed"를 수행하라. 이것은 "appfuse-appgen" 프로젝트를 생성할 것이고, 이 튜토리얼내 코드를 생성하고 모든것을 테스트할것이다.
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!!Thomas Gaudin's Excellent AppFuse Tutorials
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&#45796;&#47480; &#44288;&#47144; &#44544;&#46308;:
Thomas Gaudin has put together a couple of detailed and easy-to-follow tutorials on his site.
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* [&#45208;&#51032; &#44060;&#48156; &#54872;&#44221; &#49464;&#54021; &#48169;&#48277;|DevelopmentEnvironment].
* [Eclipse&#47196; AppFuse &#50612;&#54540;&#47532;&#52992;&#51060;&#49496; &#44060;&#48156;&#54616;&#44592;|AppFuseEclipse].
* [Handling Dates with AppFuse and Struts|http://www.thogau.net/tutorials/date/]
* [Building a persisted dynamic web tree|http://www.thogau.net/tutorials/tree/]
* [Flexi-Float Sitemesh decorator for AppFuse|http://www.thogau.net/howto/flexi-float/]
* [Lucene Integration with Spring and Hibernate|http://www.thogau.net/howto/lucene/]
! 다른 관련 글들:
* 내가 [Development Environment|DevelopmentEnvironment]을 셋업하는 방법.
* [Developing your AppFuse application in Eclipse|AppFuseEclipse].
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* [DWR을 AppFuse에 통합하는|http://lifeasastruct.blogspot.com/2005/10/ajax-on-appfuse.html] 방법.

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