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Difference between version 10 and version 7:

At line 15 changed 1 line.
By default, it exposes the values from the Contants class imported into the tag library, but also allows a className variable to specify a different class. The main reason I wrote this was to prove it was possible. The second reason was to get around importing Constants and then using
By default, it exposes the values from the Contants class imported into the tag library, but also allows a className variable to specify a different class. The main reason I wrote this was to prove it was possible. The second reason was to get around importing my Contants class (and using <%=Contants.VARNAME%>). With this tag, both of the following work:
At line 17 changed 1 line.
{{{Scriptlet: <%=VARNAME%>, JSTL: <c:out value="${VARNAME}"/>}}}
At line 23 changed 1 line.
!Files Needed for Tag Library
* [1] ConstantsTag.java
* [2] ConstantsTei.java - exposes variables as attributes
!!ConstantsTag.java [#1]
At line 181 added 2 lines.
!!ConstantsTei.java [#2]
At line 257 added 2 lines.
Also see [my blog post|http://www.raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=useless_tag_library].

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