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Difference between version 5 and version 4:

At line 14 added 2 lines.
(Note: Under Windows, I started tomcat5w.exe and set the above properties in the Java
tab, in the textfield entitled 'Java Options').
At line 15 changed 1 line.
Inside StartupListener.java (inside contextInitialized method) add:
Then, if you are using Spring, add this to your applicationContext-resources.xml file:
At line 19 added 29 lines.
<bean id="jmxExporter"
<property name="beans">
<entry key="bean:name=myHibernateBean">
<ref local="statisticsBean" />
<bean id="statisticsBean" class="org.hibernate.jmx.StatisticsService">
<property name="statisticsEnabled">
Tomcat 5 already contains the MX4J libraries and your AppFuse project should
already have the Hibernate libraries in the runtime classpath.
Note: statisticsEnabled does not get set to true properly in the statisticsBean
(this is under investigation).
If you are not using Spring, inside StartupListener.java (inside contextInitialized method) add:

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