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Difference between version 8 and version 7:

At line 92 added 13 lines.
__Install: Doesn't work.__: Well, you need to specify the context XML file also (it's a separate deployment, so the existing one doesn't get picked up automatically). If the Context element is in server.xml, then it won't work.
__Remove: Doesn't seem to work__: I don't know about that one. Probably the fact that there a context file is causing trouble of some sort.
__Reload: Doesn't work__: You can't reload a WAR indeed (you undeploy it, and then redeploy it when it is updated; however, its content cannot change unless the WAR itself changes, that's why reloading has no meaning for a WAR). Webapp reloading is for automatic class change tracking. It doesn't prevent any manual reloading.
The behavior of the deployer and its related tasks will be more intuitive in TC 5, and more integrated with the auto deployer. the latest nightly has a lot of this stuff implemented [http://cvs.apache.org/builds/jakarta-tomcat-5/nightly/jakarta-tomcat-5-bin-20030624.tar.gz]. Note that both install and remove are now deprecated, replaced by deploy and undeploy.
~ Remy

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