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JSPWiki v2.2.33


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At line 21 changed 1 line.
In this step, you'll generate a ''skeleton'' JSP to display information from the Person object. I say ''skeleton'' because it'll just be the <form> itself. It will contain WebWork's JSP tags that render table rows for each property in Person.java. The tool that we use to do this was written by [Erik Hatcher|http://www.blogscene.org/erik/]. It's basically just a single class (FormTagsHandler.java) and a couple of XDoclet templates (FormKeys.xdt and Form_jsp.xdt). All these files are located in extras/viewgen.
In this step, you'll generate a JSP page to display information from the Person object. It will contain WebWork's JSP tags that render table rows for each property in Person.java. The [AppGen] tool that's used to do this is based off a StrutsGen tool - which was originally written by [Erik Hatcher|http://www.blogscene.org/erik/]. It's basically just a couple of classes and a bunch of XDoclet templates. All these files are located in extras/appgen.
At line 23 removed 2 lines.
<div class="note" style="margin: 5px; background-color: #fcc">__WARNING:__ The "viewgen" tool has been deprecated in 1.6.1 and will be removed in 1.8. The <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=CreateDAO#appgen">appgen</a> tool provides the same functionality.</div>
At line 27 changed 6 lines.
* From the command-line, navigate to "extras/viewgen"
* Execute __ant -Dform.name=Person__ to generate three files in extras/viewgen/build:
** Person.properties (labels for your form elements)
** personForm.jsp (skeleton JSP file for viewing a single Person)
** personList.jsp (skeleton JSP file for viewing a list of People)
* Copy the contents of Person.properties into web/WEB-INF/classes/ApplicationResources_en.properties. Here is an example of what you might add to ApplicationResources_en.properties:
* From the command-line, navigate to "extras/appgen"
* Execute __ant -Dobject.name=Person -Dappgen.type=pojo -Dapp.module=__ to generate a bunch of files in extras/appgen/build/gen. In fact, it'll generate all the files you need to complete this tutorial. However, let's just grab the ones you need.
** web/WEB-INF/classes/Person.properties (labels for your form elements)
** web/pages/personForm.jsp (JSP file for viewing a single Person)
** web/pages/personList.jsp (JSP file for viewing a list of People)
* Copy the contents of Person.properties into web/WEB-INF/classes/ApplicationResources.properties. These are all the keys you will need for titles/headings and form properties. Here is an example of what you should add to ApplicationResources.properties:
At line 36 removed 1 line.
person.firstName=First Name
At line 35 added 1 line.
person.firstName=First Name
At line 37 added 12 lines.
person.added=Person has been added successfully.
person.updated=Person has been updated successfully.
person.deleted=Person has been deleted successfully.
# -- person list page --
personList.title=Person List
# -- person detail page --
personDetail.title=Person Detail
personDetail.heading=Person Information
At line 41 changed 1 line.
* Copy personForm.jsp to web/pages/personForm.jsp. Copy personList.jsp to web/pages/personList.jsp. ''Notice that each of the new filename's first character is lowercase.''
* Copy personForm.jsp to web/pages/personForm.jsp. Copy personList.jsp to web/pages/personList.jsp.
At line 50 changed 2 lines.
* Add keys in ApplicationResources_en.properties the titles and headings in the JSPs
In the generated JSPs, there are two keys for the title (top of the browser window) and the header (heading in the page). We now need to add these two keys (personDetail.title and personDetail.heading) to ApplicationResources_en.properties.
* Add keys in ApplicationResources.properties the titles and headings in the JSPs
In the generated JSPs, there are two keys for the title (top of the browser window) and the header (heading in the page). We now need to add these two keys (personDetail.title and personDetail.heading) to ApplicationResources.properties.
At line 92 changed 1 line.
assertEquals(action.edit(), "success");
assertEquals("success", action.edit());
At line 106 changed 2 lines.
assertEquals(action.save(), "input");
assertEquals(action.getPerson().getLastName(), "Updated Last Name");
assertEquals("input", action.save());
assertEquals("Updated Last Name", action.getPerson().getLastName());
At line 120 changed 1 line.
assertEquals(action.delete(), "success");
assertEquals("success", action.delete());
At line 175 added 1 line.
At line 166 removed 4 lines.
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add(person.getFirstName() + ' ' + person.getLastName());
saveMessage(getText("person.deleted", args));
At line 194 removed 3 lines.
List args = new ArrayList();
args.add(person.getFirstName() + ' ' + person.getLastName());
At line 200 changed 1 line.
saveMessage(getText(key, args));
At line 211 changed 1 line.
There are a few keys you need to add to ApplicationResources_en.properties to display the success messages. This file is located in ''web/WEB-INF/classes'' - open it and add the following:
There are a few keys you (might) need to add to ApplicationResources.properties to display the success messages. This file is located in ''web/WEB-INF/classes'' - open it and add the following:
At line 215 changed 3 lines.
{{{person.added=Information for <strong>{0}</strong> has been added successfully.
person.deleted=Information for <strong>{0}</strong> has been deleted successfully.
person.updated=Information for <strong>{0}</strong> has been updated successfully.
{{{person.added=Person has been added successfully.
person.updated=Person has been updated successfully.
person.deleted=Person has been deleted successfully.
At line 228 changed 2 lines.
<bean id="personAction" class="org.appfuse.webapp.action.PersonAction" singleton="false">
<property name="personManager"><ref bean="personManager"/></property>
<bean id="personAction" class="org.appfuse.webapp.action.PersonAction" scope="prototype">
<property name="personManager" ref="personManager"/>
At line 242 removed 1 line.
<!--interceptor-ref name="validationStack"/-->
At line 249 removed 2 lines.
;:''The "validationStack" interceptor-ref is commented out in the above XML block because you haven't defined any validation rules for the Person object. We'll uncomment this value when we add validation in the next tutorial.''
At line 281 removed 15 lines.
Now let's clean up the generated personForm.jsp by making the "id" property a hidden field. Remove the following code block from web/pages/personForm.jsp:
<ww:textfield label="getText('person.id')" name="'person.id'"
value="person.id" required="true"/>
And add the following before the &lt;table&gt; tag:
<ww:hidden name="'person.id'" value="person.id"/>
At line 299 changed 1 line.
At line 302 changed 1 line.
Now if you execute __ant db-load deploy__, start Tomcat and point your browser to [http://localhost:8080/appfuse/editPerson.html?id=1], you should see something like this:
Now if you execute __ant db-load deploy__, start Tomcat and point your browser to [http://localhost:8080/appfuse/editPerson.html?id=1], you should see something like this, with focus given to the first field in the form.
At line 349 added 1 line.
<verifytext description="verify success message" text="${person.updated}"/>
At line 382 changed 2 lines.
<verifytext description="verify success message"
text="Information for &lt;strong&gt;Abbie Raible&lt;/strong&gt; has been added successfully."/>
<verifytext description="verify success message" text="${person.added}"/>
At line 382 added 1 line.
<prepareDialogResponse description="Confirm delete" dialogType="confirm" response="true"/>
At line 384 added 1 line.
At line 398 changed 2 lines.
<verifytext description="verify success message"
text="Information for &lt;strong&gt;Matt Canoo&lt;/strong&gt; has been deleted successfully."/>
<verifytext description="verify success message" text="${person.deleted}"/>

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