Edit BreadCrumbFilter.java
to get cookies and
auto-login the user. This file is located in
// Get the relevant cookies for the "remember me" feature
Cookie rememberMe = RequestUtil.getCookie(request, "rememberMe");
Cookie passCookie = RequestUtil.getCookie(request, "password");
String password =
(passCookie != null)
? URLDecoder.decode(passCookie.getValue(), "UTF-8") : null;
// Detect if authentication has failed - indicated by the
// error=true parameter from the <form-error-page> in web.xml
// StringUtils.equals is a convenience method from commons-lang
// that handlesnulls gracefully.
boolean authFailed =
StringUtils.equals(request.getParameter("error"), "true");
// Check to see if the user is logging out, if so, remove the
// rememberMe cookie and password cookie.
if ((authFailed ||
(request.getRequestURL().indexOf("logout") != -1)) &&
(rememberMe != null)) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("deleting rememberMe-related cookies");
response = RequestUtil.deleteCookie(response, rememberMe);
response = RequestUtil.deleteCookie(response, passCookie);
// Check to see if the user is logging in. If so, check to see
// if they have enabled rememberMe functionality.
// Only attempt to authenticate when "login" is requested
if ((request.getRequestURL().indexOf("login") != -1)) {
// Check to see if we should automatically login the user
// container is routing user to login page, check for
// rememberMe cookie
Cookie userCookie = RequestUtil.getCookie(request, "username");
String username =
(passCookie != null)
? URLDecoder.decode(userCookie.getValue(), "UTF-8") : null;
if ((rememberMe != null) && (password != null)) {
// authenticate user without displaying login page
String route =
request.getContextPath() +
"/j_security_check?j_username=" + username +
"&j_password=" + StringUtil.decodeString(password);
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("I remember you '" + username +
"', attempting to authenticate...");