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This is version 6. It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited.
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This page contains a listing of the most common Ant tasks in AppFuse that I use in my daily development:

setupSets up database, tomcat and deploys expanded war
cleanRemoves build artifacts
compileCompiles everything
deployCompiles and deploys everything to Tomcat
deploy-webDeploys JSPs and static web content to Tomcat
installInstall application in Tomcat using Tomcat's Manager app. Great for deploying to remote servers.
listList Tomcat's installed applications
refreshStops Tomcat, undeploys, cleans, then re-deploys. Nice for when you swear it should be working, but your change doesn't show up
reloadReload application in Tomcat
removeRemove application in Tomcat
setup-dbcreates database and populates it with sample data
setup-tomcatcopies jdbc driver and context.xml to Tomcat
test-allruns all tests for dao, service and web
test-cactusRuns Cactus tests in Tomcat, starts/stops server
test-canooRuns Canoo WebTests in Tomcat to test JSPs
test-daoTest dao module
test-jspRuns Canoo WebTests in tomcat, starts/stops server
test-reportsGenerate test reports
test-serviceTest service module
test-webTest web module
undeploydelete war file and directory from $CATALINA_HOME/webapps

For a complete list of tasks, type "ant -projecthelp" at the command line.

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This particular version was published on 06-Nov-2006 13:52:22 MST by MattRaible.