AppFuseEnvironmentIssues |
Your trail: |
Difference between
version 23
version 14:
At line 4 changed 1 line. |
** Resolution: In the generated app directory cd to MYAPPNAME/metadata/sql and modify mysql-create.sql by copying the line that reads 'grant all privileges on qts.* to test@localhost identified by "test";' and adding a new line that adds the same privileges to 'test@hostname'. The resulting 2 lines should look like this when done: \\ |
** Resolution: In the generated app directory cd to MYAPPNAME/metadata/sql and modify mysql-create.sql by copying the line that reads 'grant all privileges on qts.* to test@localhost identified by "test";' and adding a new line that adds the same privileges to 'test@hostname' where 'hostname' is the hostname of the box runnihng MySQL. The resulting 2 lines should look like this when done: \\ |
At line 43 added 4 lines. |
* Appfuse 1.6 (springmvc) on Debian using PostgreSQL fails tests because the application can create and delete tables and records, but quietly fails to retrieve records. Currently unresolved. This is extremely baffling behavior since there's clearly a database connection established and no access restrictions but only some operations are succeeding. |
* Ant in Windows XP (and most likely other Windows versions) looks in your Windows home directory when searching for a file relative to {{~/}}. This means if you have set up environment specific {{}} files (either {{~/.{appname}}} or {{~/}}) they should not go in {{%HOME%\}}, but rather {{{%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%\}}}. |
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