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At line 25 changed 1 line.
Usually, after you get all this to work - it's likely you'll want to change all your package names to "com.company" rather than "org.appfuse". I use Eclipse to rename packages. To do this, go to the package view, click on a package name and right click -> Refactor -> Rename. Type in "*.xml,*.properties,*.xdt" for File name patterns to search in.
Usually, after you get all this to work - it's likely you'll want to change all your package names to "com.company" rather than "org.appfuse". Thanks to Ben Gill, this is now much easier than it used to be. All you need is the [rename-packages tool|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/files/documents/1397/7833/rename-packages-0.9.zip]. The [README file|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectDocumentView?documentID=7836] file instructions for installing and using.
At line 27 removed 22 lines.
;:''__NOTE:__ If you want to use iBATIS, I recommend you install it (instructions at extras/ibatis/README.txt) before renaming all the packages. If you don't install it first, you can add the ibatis/src as a source directory and rename packages there. Make sure to edit/change all the package names in the .xml files (including build.xml). You will also need to manually change the package names in the *DAOiBatis files.''
By adding "*.xml,*.properties,*.xdt" to the ''File name patterns'' field in the Rename Package wizard, the following files should be changed as well. If you're not using Eclipse or something isn't working right - you might want to ensure the "org.appfuse" has been changed to "com.company" in the following files:
- metadata/web/global-exceptions.xml
- web/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties
- web/WEB-INF/validator-rules-custom.xml
- src/service/com/company/service/applicationContext-service.xml
- src/dao/com/company/dao/hibernate/applicationContext-hibernate.xml
- metadata/templates/struts_form.xdt
You'll need to manually change the location of the Hibernate mapping files in the {{applicationContext-hibernate.xml}} file (location listed above). Basically, "org/appfuse" needs to be changed to "com/company".
You'll also need to change a few targets in build.xml to refer to the new package names. These targets/changes are listed below:
- junitdoclet-module - change org.* to com.*
- javadoc - change org.* to com.*
At line 56 removed 2 lines.
%%note __NOTE:__ 10/10/2004: A user has contributed an Ant task that automates most of the package renaming above. Hopefully it'll be ready for use in the next week or two.%%

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