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At line 3 changed 14 lines.
!!Spring 2004
* Implement Charles' [persistent cookie strategy|http://fishbowl.pastiche.org/2004/01/19/persistent_login_cookie_best_practice].
**<strong>Status:</strong> [Done|http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=appfuse_refactorings_part_iii_remember]
* Migrate to Ant 1.6 and Tomcat 5.x as primary testing targets, but don't go to JSP 2.0 (yet).
**__Status:__ Done
* Tie Managers to ManagerImpls using [Spring|http://springframework.org]. Possibly use Spring for some Hibernate enhancements and to tie DAOs to Impls as well.
**__Status:__ [Done|http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=appfuse_refactorings_part_ii_spring]
* Re-arrange directory structure to be more inline with a 3-tiered architecture. [Read Ideas...|http://www.raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=a_few_thoughts_on_appfuse]
**__Status:__ [Done|http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=appfuse_refactorings_part_i_changing]
* Add support for [iBatis|http://ibatis.com] as a database layer choice.
**__Status:__ [Done|http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=appfuse_refactorings_part_iv_replacing]
* Updated Tutorials to reflect all of the above changes.
**__Status:__ Hope to complete in early March.
* %%(color: blue)MILESTONE: Release 1.4 - [Done|http://raibledesigns.com/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=Downloads#2004.03.01].%%
!!June/July 2004
* Add [WebWork|http://www.opensymphony.com/webwork/] as a web framework choice. Replace Tiles with Sitemesh as part of this process.
* Enhance IDE integration, particularly with Eclipse. Attempt to get AppFuse working with [MyEclipse|http://www.myeclipseide.com].
* Modify Cactus to create a &lt;runcontainer&gt; task for all supported containers. The idea here is to make AppFuse so it can be easily run with Resin or Tomcat, by only changing a few Ant properties. __Status:__ Not Started, <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/cactus-user%40jakarta.apache.org/msg05019.html">here is the thread</a> for implementing this.
* [Low Priority] Figure out how to use MockStrutsTestCase to run ActionTests out-of-container. In-container is too slow. ''{Lance: Try mockrunner.sf.net - check out the BookmarksActionTest in Roller (baby steps). I never did get MockStrutsTestCase to work.}''
* [Low Priority] Add Configuration object that talks to a database table for application configuration. Create a dynamic UI (JSP) to handle updating.
At line 18 removed 7 lines.
* Add [Spring|http://springframework.org] as a web framework choice.
* %%(color: blue)MILESTONE: Release 1.5 - hopefully by end of March.%%
* Modify Cactus to create &lt;runcontainer&gt; tasks for all supported containers. __Status:__ Not Started, <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/cactus-user%40jakarta.apache.org/msg05019.html">here is the thread</a> for implementing this.
* Figure out how to use MockStrutsTestCase to run ActionTests out-of-container. In-container is too slow. ''{Lance: Try mockrunner.sf.net - check out the BookmarksActionTest in Roller (baby steps). I never did get MockStrutsTestCase to work.}''
* Add Configuration object that talks to a database table for application configuration. Create a dynamic UI (JSP) to handle updating.

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