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Difference between version 67 and version 66:

At line 1 changed 1 line.
This page is designed to document the things [I|MattRaible] want to do with AppFuse in 2004. Feel free to add suggestions as you see fit.
This page is designed to document what's next for AppFuse. Feel free to add suggestions as you see fit.
At line 3 changed 4 lines.
!!AppFuse 1.7 - hopefully before the end of 2004
* Add [Tapestry|http://jakarta.apache.org/tapestry/] as a web framework choice.
* Add [JSF|http://java.sun.com/j2ee/javaserverfaces/] as a web framework choice.
* Add installer for Resin that rebuilds build.xml for Resin instead of Tomcat.
!!AppFuse 1.8 - sometime before Summer 2005
* AppGen improvements to allow running it twice for a POJO. Also will remove hard-coded id and read from @hibernate.id. These improvements will be largely based on [this patch|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=104] from Henry Zhang.
* Replace existing security implementation with the more robust [Acegi Security System for Spring|http://acegisecurity.sf.net].
* Community Building, hopefully add some additional Committers
At line 9 added 1 line.
* Add installer for Resin that rebuilds build.xml for Resin instead of Tomcat. There's not much demand for this right now, so I've postponed it.

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