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Difference between version 14 and version 13:

At line 34 added 1 line.
Add Acegi Security's filters to the top of metadata/web/filter.xml:
At line 36 added 54 lines.
<filter-name>Acegi Authentication Processing Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Acegi HTTP Request Security Filter</filter-name>
Add filter-mappings for each of these filters. Put the following XML at the top of the metadata/web/filter-mappings.xml file:
<filter-name>Acegi Authentication Processing Filter</filter-name>
<filter-name>Acegi HTTP Request Security Filter</filter-name>
At line 91 added 1 line.
Delete the file metadata/web/web-security.xml. This is no longer needed since the security settings are now controlled by the applicationContext-security.xml file.
At line 94 added 1 line.
__TODO:__ This is done in CVS, now I just need to document it. In CVS, it's only done for Struts - I still need to do it for iBATIS and the other web frameworks.
At line 101 added 1 line.
In web/WEB-INF/classes/log4j.properties, add a setting to control the logging for Acegi Security.
At line 103 added 4 lines.
At line 108 added 1 line.
In LoginServet.java, remove the initial ''if statement'' at the beginning of the execute method. This involves deleting the following lines of code.
At line 110 added 17 lines.
// if user is already authenticated, it means they probably bookmarked
// or typed in the URL to login.jsp directly, route them to the main
// menu is this is the case
if (request.getRemoteUser() != null) {
if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
log.debug("User '" + request.getRemoteUser() +
"' already logged in, routing to mainMenu");
response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath() + "/mainMenu.html");

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