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Difference between version 21 and version 20:

At line 118 changed 1 line.
%%note If you're using iBATIS, you will need to add the "enabled" column to the SQL in UserSQL.xml. You will also need to add "enabled bit" as a column definition for the "app_user" table in metadata/sql/mysql-create-tables.sql.%%
%%note If you're using iBATIS, you will need to [add the "enabled" column to the SQL in UserSQL.xml|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/source/browse/appfuse/extras/ibatis/src/dao/org/appfuse/dao/ibatis/sql/UserSQL.xml?r1=1.7&r2=1.8]. You will also need to [add "enabled bit" as a column definition|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/source/browse/appfuse/extras/ibatis/metadata/sql/mysql-create-tables.sql?r1=1.6&r2=1.7] for the "app_user" table in metadata/sql/mysql-create-tables.sql.%%

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