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Difference between version 121 and version 104:

At line 8 changed 5 lines.
*[5] Database Questions and HowTos
*[6] Application Server Questions and HowTos
*[7] Using Anthill and CruiseControl
*[8] Hibernate Specific Questions
*[9] Archived Questions
*[5] JSF Specific HowTos
*[6] Database Questions and HowTos
*[7] Application Server Questions and HowTos
*[8] Using Anthill and CruiseControl
*[9] Hibernate Specific Questions
*[10] Archived Questions
At line 37 added 4 lines.
* When working on a team, how to run test of a specific POJO using db-load task only in that specific table as well?
;:''First, instead of using all the sample-data.xml file, create another file say sample-person.xml and there put the data that you want insert. After that you can do this:
ant test-dao -Dtestcase=PersonDao -Dfile=metadata/sql/sample-person.xml''
At line 81 changed 2 lines.
this problem.
this problem.''
At line 84 changed 1 line.
!!Database Specific [#5]
!!JSF Specific [#5]
* I get an "Couldn't find template: /home/mats/myapp/metadata/templates/struts_form.xdt" when I run "ant setup test-all" after specifying "jsf" as web framework when running "ant new".
;:''This is caused by the failure of JSF to install. Start with a version that has [JSF pre-installed|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/files/documents/1397/37690/appfuse-jsf-1.9.3-src.zip].''
!!Database Specific [#6]
At line 90 changed 1 line.
;:''MySQL 4.1.7 requires you to add set the default character set to UTF-8 to get unicode support with AppFuse. To do this, add the following to your c:\Windows\my.ini or /etc/my.cnf file:''
;:''MySQL 4.1.7+ requires you to add set the default character set to UTF-8 to get unicode support with AppFuse. To do this, add the following to your c:\Windows\my.ini or /etc/my.cnf file:''
At line 126 added 2 lines.
* Can I audit any changes to the [Database?|DatabaseAudit]
At line 120 changed 1 line.
;:''If a class with a natural key does not declare a version or timestamp property, it's more dificult to get saveOrUpdate() and cascades to work correctly. You might use a custom Hibernate Interceptor as discussed in this chapter. (On the other hand, if you're happy to use explicit save() and explicit update() instead of saveOrUpdate() and cascades, Hibernate doesn't need to be able to distinguish between transient and detached instances; so you can safely ignore this advice.) Composite natural keys extend the same ideas. {Hibernate in Action: pag.:333} ''
;:''If a class with a natural key does not declare a version or timestamp property, it's more dificult to get saveOrUpdate() and cascades to work correctly. You might use a custom Hibernate Interceptor as discussed in this chapter. (On the other hand, if you're happy to use explicit save() and explicit update() instead of saveOrUpdate() and cascades, Hibernate doesn't need to be able to distinguish between transient and detached instances; so you can safely ignore this advice.) Composite natural keys extend the same ideas. {Hibernate in Action: pag.:333}''
At line 130 changed 1 line.
!!Application Server Specific [#6]
* How do I use a JNDI DataSource instead of a Spring-managed one (1.9+):
;:In metadata/conf/tomcat-context*.xml, uncomment the JNDI DataSource settings. Then in web/WEB-INF/applicationContext-resources.xml, uncomment the JNDI "dataSource" bean - and delete the active "dataSource" bean. If you decide to make this a permanent change in your project, you can delete {{commons-dbcp.jar}} and {{commons-pool.jar}} from ''lib/jakarta-commons''.
!!Application Server Specific [#7]
At line 140 changed 1 line.
!!Continuous Integration [#7]
!!Continuous Integration [#8]
At line 144 changed 1 line.
!!Hibernate Specific Questions [#8]
!!Hibernate Specific Questions [#9]
At line 165 added 1 line.
* Does Hibernate support [Pagination?|HibernatePagination]
At line 154 changed 1 line.
!!Archived Questions (no longer relevant) [#9]
* __Do I have to use XDoclet to generate my *.hbm.xml files? Is it possible to override a single hbm.xml file and create it by hand?__
<div style="margin-left: 30px">
If you have an @hibernate.class tag on a POJO - hibernatedoclet will generate the mapping file into build/dao/gen. If you have a mapping file (*.hbm.xml) file for your POJO in the src/dao/**/model/*
directory, it will __overwrite__ the generated version. If you don't want to worry about the two conflicting - just remove the @ sign from @hibernate.class in your POJO and put your hbm.xml file in the {{model}}
No build.xml modification are need for this to work. The "package-dao" target will include these mapping files:
{{{ <copy todir="${build.dir}/dao/gen">
<fileset dir="src/dao" includes="**/*.xml" excludes="**/*-${dao.type}.xml"/>
<filterset refid="variables.to.replace"/>
If you want to get rid of the hibernatedoclet process, you can do that- but make sure and run it first - and then copy all of the generated hbm.xml files into your {{model}} directory.
!!Archived Questions (no longer relevant) [#10]

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