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Difference between version 8 and version 4:

At line 13 changed 1 line.
* [4] Start HSQL and run tests
* [4] Modify applicationContext-hibernate.xml
* [5] Start HSQL and run tests
At line 17 changed 1 line.
[Download HSQLDB|http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=23316&release_id=254279] from SourceForge. Create a lib/hsqldb-1.7.2 directory and put hsqldb.jar in this directory.
[Download HSQLDB|http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/hsqldb/hsqldb_1_8_0_2.zip?download] from SourceForge. Create a lib/hsqldb-1.8.0 directory and put hsqldb.jar in this directory.
At line 27 changed 1 line.
hsqldb.version = 1.7.2
At line 42 changed 1 line.
At line 49 changed 1 line.
!!Start HSQL and run tests [#4]
!!Modify applicationContext-hibernate.xml [#4]
You need to turn off batch processing for Hibernate for things to work with HSQL. In ''src/dao/**/applicationContext-hibernate.xml'', uncomment the following line:
At line 51 changed 1 line.
HSQLDB doesn't ship with a way to start and run it as a service. However, there is a way to configure HSQLDB to [run as a service|http://www.waldhor.com/hsql.htm]. Following these instructions, you can install an HSQL service running the "appfuse" database. Just [download the hsql.exe and hsql_service_install.bat|http://www.waldhor.com/hsql.zip] and change the hsql_service_install.bat to contain the following. The setttings below assume you've extracted the hsqldb download to c:\Tools\hsqldb and that you've install the downloaded files into the same directory.
<prop key="hibernate.jdbc.batch_size">0</prop>
At line 57 added 4 lines.
!!Start HSQL and run tests [#5]
HSQLDB doesn't ship with a way to start and run it as a service. However, there is a way to configure HSQLDB to [run as a service|http://www.waldhor.com/hsql.htm]. Following these instructions, you can install an HSQL service running the "appfuse" database. Just [download the hsql.exe and hsql_service_install.bat|http://www.waldhor.com/hsql.zip] and change the hsql_service_install.bat to contain the following. The settings below assume you've extracted the hsqldb download to c:\Tools\hsqldb and that you've install the downloaded files into the same directory.
At line 64 changed 1 line.
java -cp lib/hsqldb-1.7.2/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 c:/temp/appfuse-db -dbname.0 appfuse
java -cp lib/hsqldb-1.8.0/hsqldb.jar org.hsqldb.Server -database.0 c:/temp/appfuse-db -dbname.0 appfuse
At line 74 added 1 line.
If you write model objects with Boolean values, you may find that DBUnit fails. A quick fix for this is to add a reference to DBUnits custom data types.
At line 76 added 32 lines.
Unfortunately, the generally accepted remedy does not seemd to work, namely:
<taskdef name="dbunit" classname="org.dbunit.ant.DbUnitTask" classpathref="dao.test.classpath"
The quick and dirty fix for this seems to be to add the factory whereever it's needed, e.g.
<target name="db-export" depends="prepare"
description="Exports the current data in the database">
<dbunit driver="${database.driver_class}" url="${database.url}"
userid="${database.username}" password="${database.password}">
<export dest="db-export.xml" format="xml"/>
The db-load target or anything else that uses DBUnit will need a similar quickfix, so a request has been made to the JIRA issue tracker to have this fixed with a global variable for a future release.
You may need to upgrade to DBUnit2.2 for this to work. Don't forget to update your lib.properties :
# DBUnit - http://www.dbunit.org/

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