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At line 65 changed 1 line.
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archives|http://appfuse.org/forums]
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archivi|http://appfuse.org/forums]
At line 73 changed 1 line.
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archives|http://appfuse.org/forums]
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archivi|http://appfuse.org/forums]
At line 81 changed 1 line.
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archives|http://appfuse.org/forums]
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archivi|http://appfuse.org/forums]
At line 90 changed 1 line.
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archives|http://appfuse.org/forums]
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archivi|http://appfuse.org/forums]
At line 99 changed 1 line.
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archives|http://appfuse.org/forums]
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archivi|http://appfuse.org/forums]
At line 107 changed 2 lines.
* [Online Demos|http://demo.appfuse.org/demos.html]
* [Mailing Lists|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archives|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
* [Demo Online|http://demo.appfuse.org/demos.html]
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archivi|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
At line 110 changed 2 lines.
!!__June 15, 2005__ - AppFuse 1.8.1
This release is mostly a bug fix release with no new features. It also includes many upgrades to the core libraries (Hibernate, Spring, iBATIS, MyFaces). Thanks to all the [sponsors|http://appfuse.dev.java.net/sponsors.html] who have contributed products and free hosting to the AppFuse project.
!!__15 Giugno 2005__ - AppFuse 1.8.1
Questo rilascio è principalmente un rilascio di bug fix senza nuove feature. Include anche diversi aggiornamenti alle librerie di base (Hibernate, Spring, iBATIS, MyFaces). Grazie a tutti gli [sponsor|http://appfuse.dev.java.net/sponsors.html] che hanno contribuito fornendo prodotti ed hosting gratuito al progetto AppFuse.
At line 116 changed 1 line.
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archives|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] · [Archivi|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
At line 118 changed 2 lines.
!!__June 15, 2005__ - Thogau's Tutorials
Thomas Gaudin has put together a couple of detailed and easy-to-follow tutorials on his site.
!!__15 Giugno 2005__ - Tutorial di Thogau
Thomas Gaudin ha messo insieme un paio di tutorial dettagliati e semplici da seguire sul suo sito.
At line 124 changed 2 lines.
!!__May 6, 2005__ - JIRA Installed
<a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=appfuse_videos">AppFuse Videos</a> created and setup a new <a href="http://issues.appfuse.org">JIRA Issue Tracker</a>. Thanks to <a href="http://atlassian.com">Atlassian</a> for the free JIRA license and to <a href="http://contegix.com">Contegix</a> for hosting it. Also thanks to <a href="http://kgbinternet.com">KGB Internet Solutions</a> for sponsoring the hosting of the <a href="http://demo.appfuse.org/demos.html">AppFuse Demos</a>.
!!__6 Maggio 2005__ - Installato JIRA
Creati i <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=appfuse_videos">Video di AppFuse</a> ed impostato un nuovo <a href="http://issues.appfuse.org">Issue Tracker JIRA</a>. Grazie ad <a href="http://atlassian.com">Atlassian</a> per la licenza gratuita di JIRA e a <a href="http://contegix.com">Contegix</a> che ce lo sta ospitando. Grazie anche a <a href="http://kgbinternet.com">KGB Internet Solutions</a> per aver sposnsorizzato l'hosting delle <a href="http://demo.appfuse.org/demos.html">Demo di AppFuse</a>.
At line 127 changed 2 lines.
!!__April 29, 2005__ - AppFuse 1.8
This release replaces Container Managed Authentication (CMA) with [Acegi Security|http://acegisecurity.sf.net]. Other major features include numerous bug fixes to AppGen and a refactoring of build.xml to use Ant 1.6 features. Eclipse and IDEA project files were also improved so you can easily run tests from within your IDE. A MyJavaPack [all-in-one installer|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/files/documents/1397/13863/appfuse-installer-1.8.zip] was also added so you can download everything you need for AppFuse at once. Eclipse and its plugins were not included in the initial release, but may be in a future release.
!!__29 Aprile 2005__ - AppFuse 1.8
Questo rilascio sostituisce la Container Managed Authentication (CMA) con [Acegi Security|http://acegisecurity.sf.net]. Fra le altre feature principali numerosi bug fix ad AppGen ed un refactoring del build.xml per sfruttare le feature di Ant 1.6. Sono stati migliorati anche i file di progetto per Eclipse ed IDEA in modo che tu possa eseguire facilmente i test dall'interno del tuo IDE. È stato aggiunto anche un [installer all-in-one|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/files/documents/1397/13863/appfuse-installer-1.8.zip] fatto con MyJavaPack in modo che tu possa scaricare in un colpo solo tutto ciò che server per AppFuse. Eclipse e relativi plugin non sono stati inclusi in questo primo rilascio, ma potrebbero esserlo in un rilascio futuro.
At line 132 changed 1 line.
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] &middot; [Archives|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] &middot; [Archivi|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
At line 134 changed 3 lines.
!!__December 8, 2004__ - AppFuse 1.7
This release adds support for [JSF/MyFaces|http://myfaces.org] and [Tapestry|http://jakarta.apache.org/tapestry] as web framework options. [AppGen|http://raibledesigns.com/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=CreateDAO#appgen] has been updated to work with both of these frameworks and I added
new [tutorials|Articles] as well. You can read about my experience in [Integrating JSF and Tapestry into AppFuse|http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=integrating_jsf_and_tapestry_into].
!!__8 Dicembre 2004__ - AppFuse 1.7
Questo rilascio aggiunge il supporto per [JSF/MyFaces|http://myfaces.org] e [Tapestry|http://jakarta.apache.org/tapestry] come opzioni di framework web. [AppGen|http://raibledesigns.com/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=CreateDAO#appgen] è stato aggiornato in modo da funzionare con entrambi ed ho aggiunti anche dei nuovi [tutorial|Articles]. Puoi leggere un resoconto della mia esperienza in [Integrating JSF and Tapestry into AppFuse|http://raibledesigns.com/page/rd?anchor=integrating_jsf_and_tapestry_into].
At line 140 changed 1 line.
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] &middot; [Archives|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] &middot; [Archivi|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
At line 142 changed 2 lines.
!!__November 9, 2004__ - AppFuse 1.6.1
This release is primarily a bug fix release, but it also contains a slick "AppGen" tool for generating full CRUD (with sample data and tests) from a POJO. AppGen essentially automates everything you do in the [tutorials|Articles]. I still encourage users to read through and do the tutorials in order to learn the code that is being generated. <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=CreateDAO#appgen">Learn more about AppGen</a>.
!!__9 Novembre 2004__ - AppFuse 1.6.1
Questo rilascio è principalmente un bug fix, ma contiene anche un utile strumento "AppGen" per la generazione di logica CRUD completa (con dati di esempio e test) a partire da un POJO. AppGen essenzialmente automatizza tutto ciò che fai nei [tutorial|Articles]. Io incoraggio comunque gli utenti a leggere fino in fondo e svolgere i tutorial in modo da capire il codice che viene generato. <a href="http://raibledesigns.com/wiki/Wiki.jsp?page=CreateDAO_it#appgen">Per saperne di più su AppGen</a>.
At line 147 changed 1 line.
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] &middot; [Archives|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] &middot; [Archivi|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
At line 149 changed 1 line.
!!__October 9, 2004__ - AppFuse 1.6 Released
!!__9 Ottobre 2004__ - Rilasciato AppFuse 1.6
At line 154 changed 1 line.
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] &middot; [Archives|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
* [Mailing List|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/servlets/ProjectMailingListList] &middot; [Archivi|http://news.gmane.org/group/gmane.comp.java.appfuse.user]
At line 156 changed 1 line.
!!__May 27, 2004__ - AppFuse 1.5 Released
!!__27 Maggio 2004__ - Rilasciato AppFuse 1.5
At line 168 changed 1 line.
!!__2004.03.01__ - AppFuse 1.4 Released
!!__01.03.2004__ - Rilasciato AppFuse 1.4
At line 207 changed 1 line.
!!__2004.01.16__ - AppFuse 1.3 Released
!!__16.01.2004__ - Rilasciato AppFuse 1.3
At line 245 changed 1 line.
!!__2004.01.08__ - AppFuse and ant 1.6.0
!!__08.01.2004__ - AppFuse ed ant 1.6.0
At line 264 changed 1 line.
!!__2003.12.20__ - AppFuse 1.2 Released
!!__20.12.2003__ - Rilasciato AppFuse 1.2
At line 283 changed 1 line.
!!__2003.12.12__ - AppFuse 1.1 Released
!!__12.12.2003__ - Rilasciato AppFuse 1.1
At line 298 changed 1 line.
!!__2003.11.30__ - AppFuse 1.0 Released
!!__30.11.2003__ - Rilasciato AppFuse 1.0

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