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Difference between version 32 and version 31:

At line 80 changed 1 line.
;:%%(color: blue)''I'm using {{generator-class="increment"}} instead of {{generate-class="native"}} because I [found some issues|AppFuseOnDB2] when using "native" on other databases.''%%
;:%%(color: blue)''I'm using {{generator-class="increment"}} instead of {{generate-class="native"}} because I [found some issues|AppFuseOnDB2] when using "native" on other databases. If you only plan on using MySQL, I recommend you use the "native" value.''%%
At line 115 changed 1 line.
<generator class="native">
<generator class="increment">
At line 130 changed 1 line.
Now we'll add additional [@hibernate.property|http://xdoclet.sourceforge.net/tags/hibernate-tags.html#@hibernate.property%20(0..1)] tags for our other columns (firstName, lastName):
Now we'll add additional [@hibernate.property|http://xdoclet.sourceforge.net/tags/hibernate-tags.html#@hibernate.property%20(0..1)] tags for our other columns (first_name, last_name):
At line 154 changed 3 lines.
[schemaexport] create table person (
{{{[schemaexport] create table person (
[schemaexport] id BIGINT NOT NULL,
At line 160 changed 2 lines.
[schemaexport] )
[schemaexport] )}}}
At line 178 added 1 line.
import org.appfuse.model.Person;
At line 180 added 1 line.
At line 202 changed 1 line.
The code you see above is what we need for a basic JUnit test that initializes and destroys our PersonDao. The "ctx" object is a reference to Spring's ApplicationContext, which is initialized in the [BaseDaoTestCase|http://raibledesigns.com/downloads/appfuse/api/org/appfuse/persistence/BaseDaoTestCase.java.html] class.
The code you see above is what we need for a basic JUnit test that initializes and destroys our PersonDao. The "ctx" object is a reference to Spring's ApplicationContext, which is initialized (code below) in the [BaseDaoTestCase's|http://raibledesigns.com/downloads/appfuse/api/org/appfuse/persistence/BaseDaoTestCase.java.html] constructor.
At line 299 added 3 lines.
import org.appfuse.model.Person;
At line 307 changed 1 line.
At this point, you should be able to compile all the source in src/dao and test/dao using "ant compile-dao". However, if you try to run "ant test-dao -Dtestcase=PersonDao", you will get an error: <span style="color: red">DAOException: no DAOHibernate class</span>.
At this point, you should be able to compile all the source in src/dao and test/dao using "ant compile-dao". However, if you try to run "ant test-dao -Dtestcase=PersonDao", you will get an error: <span style="color: red">No bean named 'personDao' is defined</span>. This is an error message from Spring - indicating that we need to specify a bean named ''personDAO'' in applicationContext-hibernate.xml. Before we do that, we need to create the PersonDao implementation class.
At line 311 changed 1 line.
Let's squash that bug and create a PersonDaoHibernate class that implements the methods in PersonDao and uses Hibernate to get/save/delete the Person object. To do this, create a new class in src/ejb/**/persistence and name it PersonDAOHibernate.java. It should extend BaseDaoHibernate and implement PersonDAO.
Let's start by creating a PersonDaoHibernate class that implements the methods in PersonDao and uses Hibernate to get/save/delete the Person object. To do this, create a new class in src/dao/**/persistence and name it PersonDAOHibernate.java. It should extend Spring's [HibernateDaoSupport|http://www.springframework.org/docs/api/org/springframework/orm/hibernate/support/HibernateDaoSupport.html] and implement PersonDAO.

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