CreateManager |
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version 25
version 24:
At line 131 changed 1 line. |
I don't have any reason for ''not doing'' the factory pattern on Managers, I just simply haven't done it. I __am__ creating Interfaces for the Managers - in case I decide I need new ManagerImpls someday. Then it'd be easy to create a Factory and different implementations. I also hope to look into <a href="">Spring</a> for determining Managers for clients (Tests and Actions). |
I don't have any reason for ''not doing'' the factory pattern on Managers, I just simply haven't done it. I __am__ creating Interfaces for the Managers - in case I decide I need new ManagerImpls someday. Then it'd be easy to create a Factory and different implementations. Someday I hope to dig into <a href="">Spring</a> to see if it can be my Factory to determine Managers for clients (Tests and Actions). |
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