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Difference between version 80 and version 76:

At line 8 changed 2 lines.
In the context of [AppFuse], this is called a Manager class. It's main responsibility to act as a bridge between the persistence (DAO) layer and the
web layer. It's also useful for de-coupling your presentation layer from your database layer (i.e. for Swing apps). Managers should also be where you put any business logic for your application.
In the context of [AppFuse], this is called a Manager class. Its main responsibility is to act as a bridge between the persistence (DAO) layer and the web layer. It's also useful for de-coupling your presentation layer from your database layer (i.e. for Swing apps). Managers should also be where you put any business logic for your application.
At line 184 changed 1 line.
One thing to note is the {{setPersonDao}} method. This is used by Spring to bind the PersonDao to this Manager. This is configured in the applicationContext-service.xml file. We'll get to configuring that in Step 3[3]. You should be able to compile everything now using "ant compile-service".
One thing to note is the {{setPersonDao()}} method. This is used by Spring to bind the PersonDao to this Manager. This is configured in the applicationContext-service.xml file. We'll get to configuring that in Step 3[3]. You should be able to compile everything now using "ant compile-service".
At line 190 changed 1 line.
To notify Spring of this our PersonManager interface and its implementation, open the src/service/**/service/applicationContext-service.xml file. In here, you should see a commented out definition for the "personManager" bean. Uncomment this, or add the following to the bottom of this file.
To notify Spring of this our PersonManager interface and its implementation, open the src/service/**/service/applicationContext-service.xml file. Add the following to the bottom of this file.
At line 194 changed 4 lines.
<bean id="personManager" parent="txProxyTemplate">
<property name="target">
<bean class="org.appfuse.service.impl.PersonManagerImpl" autowire="byName"/>
<bean id="personManager" class="org.appfuse.service.impl.PersonManagerImpl">
<property name="personDao" ref="personDao"/>
At line 201 changed 1 line.
The "parent" attribute refers to a bean definition for a [TransactionProxyFactoryBean|http://www.springframework.org/docs/api/org/springframework/transaction/interceptor/TransactionProxyFactoryBean.html] that has all the basic transaction attributes set.
This bean must have a name that ends in "Manager". This is because there is AOP advice applied at the top of this file for all *Manager beans.
{{{<aop:advisor id="managerTx" advice-ref="txAdvice" pointcut="execution(* *..service.*Manager.*(..))" order="2"/>}}} For more information on transactions with Spring, see [Spring's documentation|http://www.springframework.org/docs/reference/transaction.html].
At line 203 removed 1 line.

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