CreateManager |
Your trail: |
Difference between
version 80
version 79:
At line 189 changed 1 line. |
To notify Spring of this our PersonManager interface and its implementation, open the src/service/**/service/applicationContext-service.xml file. In here, you should see a commented out definition for the "personManager" bean. Uncomment this, or add the following to the bottom of this file. |
To notify Spring of this our PersonManager interface and its implementation, open the src/service/**/service/applicationContext-service.xml file. Add the following to the bottom of this file. |
At line 193 changed 4 lines. |
<bean id="personManager" parent="txProxyTemplate"> |
<property name="target"> |
<bean class="org.appfuse.service.impl.PersonManagerImpl" autowire="byName"/> |
</property> |
<bean id="personManager" class="org.appfuse.service.impl.PersonManagerImpl"> |
<property name="personDao" ref="personDao"/> |
At line 200 changed 1 line. |
The "parent" attribute refers to a bean definition for a [TransactionProxyFactoryBean|] that has all the basic transaction attributes set. |
This bean must have a name that ends in "Manager". This is because there is AOP advice applied at the top of this file for all *Manager beans. |
{{{<aop:advisor id="managerTx" advice-ref="txAdvice" pointcut="execution(* *..service.*Manager.*(..))" order="2"/>}}} For more information on transactions with Spring, see [Spring's documentation|]. |
At line 202 removed 1 line. |
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