At line 3 changed 1 line. |
;:''This tutorial depends on __Part I:__ [Creating new DAOs and Objects in AppFuse|CreateDAO].'' |
;:''Este tutorial depende de __Part I:__ [Creating new DAOs and Objects in AppFuse|CreateDAO].'' |
At line 5 changed 2 lines. |
!!About this Tutorial |
This tutorial will show you how to create a Business Facade class (and a JUnit Test) to talk to the [DAO we created in Part I|CreateDAO]. |
!!Sobre este tutorial |
Este tutorial te mostrara como crear clases del tipo Business Facada (asi como test unitario ) para interactuar ,[con la capa DAO creada in Part I|CreateDAO]. |
At line 8 changed 1 line. |
In the context of [AppFuse], this is called a Manager class. Its main responsibility is to act as a bridge between the persistence (DAO) layer and the web layer. It's also useful for de-coupling your presentation layer from your database layer (i.e. for Swing apps). Managers should also be where you put any business logic for your application. |
En el contexto de [AppFuse], crearemos lo que se llama una clase Manager. Su principal objetivo es la de servir de puente entre la capa de persistencia DAO y la capa de presentacion. Tambien permite aislar la capa de presentacion de la capa de persistencia(i.e. para aplicaciones Swing ). Ademas, contienen toda la logica de la aplicacion. |
At line 10 changed 1 line. |
;:%%(color: blue)''I will tell you how I do stuff in the __Real World__ in text like this.''%% |
;:%%(color: blue)''Te voy a decir como yo hago las cosas en la __Vida Real__ en texto como este.''%% |
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Let's get started by creating a new ManagerTest and Manager in AppFuse's architecture. |
At line 14 changed 5 lines. |
!Table of Contents |
* [1] Create a new ManagerTest to run JUnit tests on the Manager |
* [2] Create a new Manager to talk to the DAO |
* [3] Configure Spring for this Manager and Transactions |
* [4] Run the ManagerTest |
Vamos a empezar creando una clase ManagerTest y otra clase Manager en la arquitectura de AppFuse. |
At line 20 changed 2 lines. |
!!Create a new ManagerTest to run JUnit tests on the Manager [#1] |
In [Part I|CreateDAO], we created a Person object and PersonDao - so let's continue developing this entity. First, let's create a JUnit test for the PersonManager. Create PersonManagerTest in the test/service/**/service directory. We'll want to test the same basic methods (get, save, remove) that our DAO has. |
!Tabla de Contenidos |
* [1] Crear una nueva clase ManagerTest para ejecutar tests JUnit con relacion a la clase Manager. |
* [2] Crear una nueva clase Manager que interaccionara con la capa DAO. |
* [3] Configurar Spring para la clase Manager y gestion de transacciones. |
* [4] Ejecutar la clase ManagerTest |
At line 23 changed 1 line. |
;:''This may seem redundant (why all the tests!), but these tests are GREAT to have 6 months down the road.'' |
!!Crear una nueva clase ManagerTest para ejecutar tests JUnit con relacion a la clase Manager. [#1] |
En [Part I|CreateDAO],creamos una clase Person y PersonDao - por lo que vamos a seguir desarrollando esta entidad. Primero, crearemos una nueva clase de prueba JUnit para probar la clase PersonManager. Crea la clase PersonManagerTest en el directorio test/service/**/service. Vamos a probar los metodos basicos (leer, anadir, eliminar) que contiene nuestra clase. |
At line 24 added 2 lines. |
;:''El hecho de tener tantas clases de prueba puede parecer redundante, sin embargo, dentro de 6 meses nos seran de mucha ayuda.'' |