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Difference between version 6 and version 5:

At line 135 changed 1 line.
Primerament, crearemos la interface PersonManager.java en el directorio src/service/**/service directory y anadiremos las cuatro operaciones basicas (ALAS) que son necesarias para cualquier clase que implemente esta interface.
Primeramente, crearemos la interface PersonManager.java en el directorio src/service/**/service directory y anadiremos las cuatro operaciones basicas (ALAS) que son necesarias para cualquier clase que implemente esta interface.
At line 138 changed 1 line.
;:%%(color: blue)''As usual, I usually duplicate (open → save as) an existing file (i.e. UserManager.java).''%%
;:%%(color: blue)''Como de costumbre, normalment duplico (open → save as) una clase existente (i.e. UserManager.java).''%%
At line 155 changed 1 line.
Now let's create a PersonManagerImpl class that implements the methods in PersonManager. To do this, create a new class in src/service/**/service/impl and name it PersonManagerImpl.java. It should extend BaseManager and implement PersonManager.
Ahora crearemos la clase PersonManagerImpl que implementa los metodos de la interface PersonManager. Para ello, creamos una nueva clase
PersonManagerImpl.java en el subdirectorio src/service/**/service/impl. Debe heredar de la clase BaseManager e implementar PersonManager.
At line 186 changed 1 line.
One thing to note is the {{setPersonDao()}} method. This is used by Spring to bind the PersonDao to this Manager. This is configured in the applicationContext-service.xml file. We'll get to configuring that in Step 3[3]. You should be able to compile everything now using "ant compile-service".
Un aspecto a notar es el metodo {{setPersonDao()}} el cual es usado para "enganchar" la clase PersonDao a este Manager. Esto es configurado en el fichero applicationContext-service.xml. Configuraremos este aspecto en el paso 3[3]. Ahora todo debe compilar sin problemas usando la linea de comandos "ant compile-service".
At line 188 changed 1 line.
Now you need to edit Spring's config file for our services layer so it will know about this new Manager.
Ahora necesita editar el fichero de configuracion de Spring para que la capa de servicios se actualice con la recien creada clase Manager.
At line 190 changed 1 line.
!!Configure Spring for this Manager and Transactions [#3]
!!Configurar Spring para este Manager y gestion de transacciones [#3]
At line 192 changed 2 lines.
To notify Spring of this our PersonManager interface and its implementation, open the src/service/**/service/applicationContext-service.xml file. In here, you should see a commented out definition for the "personManager" bean. Uncomment this, or add the following to the bottom of this file.
Para notificar a Spring de la presencia de la interface PersonManager y su implementacion, editemos el fichero src/service/**/service/applicationContext-service.xml file. Alli debe ver la definicion del bean "personManager" comentada. Elimine el comentario o anada lo siguiente al final del fichero.
At line 203 changed 1 line.
The "parent" attribute refers to a bean definition for a [TransactionProxyFactoryBean|http://www.springframework.org/docs/api/org/springframework/transaction/interceptor/TransactionProxyFactoryBean.html] that has all the basic transaction attributes set.
El atributo "parent" se refiere a la definicion de bean para [TransactionProxyFactoryBean|http://www.springframework.org/docs/api/org/springframework/transaction/interceptor/TransactionProxyFactoryBean.html]que contiene todos los atributos basicos para la gestion de transacciones.
At line 206 changed 1 line.
!!Run the ManagerTest [#4]
!!Ejecute la clase ManagerTest [#4]
At line 208 changed 1 line.
Save all your edited files and try running __ant test-service -Dtestcase=PersonManager__.
Guarde los ficheros editados y ejecute __ant test-service -Dtestcase=PersonManager__.
At line 216 changed 1 line.
The files that were modified and added to this point are [available for download|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/files/documents/1397/7484/appfuse-tutorial-managers-1.6.zip].
Los ficheros que fueron modificados y anadidos en este tutorial se encuentran en [available for download|https://appfuse.dev.java.net/files/documents/1397/7484/appfuse-tutorial-managers-1.6.zip].
At line 218 changed 1 line.
''Next Up:'' __Part III:__ [Creating Actions and JSPs|CreateActions] - A HowTo for creating Actions and JSPs in the AppFuse architecture.
''Siguiente etapa:'' __Parte III:__ [Creacion de Actions y JSPs|CreateActions] - Como crear Actions y JSPs en la arquitectura de AppFuse.

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