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Difference between version 16 and version 3:

At line 1 changed 1 line.
__Part I:__ [Integrating jBPM into AppFuse] - A HowTo for integrating jBPM Support (via Spring-Modules) into AppFuse.
__Part I:__ [Integrating jBPM into AppFuse] - Integrate jBPM Support (via Spring-Modules) into AppFuse.\\
__Part II:__ [Integrating jBPM into AppFuse Part Deux] - Setup AppFuse/jBPM in Eclipse, model defintions using the Jbpm Process Designer.\\
__Part III:__ [Integrating jBPM into AppFuse Part Trois] - Enhance defintions to support tasks, users, schedule and injecting spring beans into actions (Under Construction).\\
At line 4 changed 1 line.
This tutorial will show you how to configure jBPM 3.1 into AppFuse. It will also show you how to create process definitions and use them in the appfuse application context.
This is the 1st tutorial of a 3 part series. The tutorial covers how to configure [jBPM|http://www.jboss.com/products/jbpm] 3.1 into AppFuse. \\
At line 6 changed 1 line.
You will use the jbpm-db package to create the jbpm tables in your database for workflow persistence and will author process definitions in Eclispe. And finally you will write some [JUnit|http://www.junit.org] classes to test if the integration is working.
You will use the jbpm-db package to create the jbpm tables in your database for workflow persistence and will author process definitions in [Eclispe|http://www.eclipse.org]. And finally you will write some [JUnit|http://www.junit.org] classes to test the integration.
At line 8 changed 1 line.
AppFuse uses [Hibernate|http://www.hibernate.org] for its default persistence layer. jBPM also uses Hibernate for its persistence layer. It can be configured to either use the same session factory as Apppfuse or use its own dedicated session factory.
AppFuse uses [Hibernate|http://www.hibernate.org] for its default persistence layer. jBPM also uses Hibernate for its persistence layer. It can be configured to either use the same session factory as AppFuse or use its own dedicated session factory.
At line 149 changed 91 lines.
<property name="mappingResources">
<property name="mappingLocations">
At line 241 removed 6 lines.
<!-- The property below is commented out b/c it doesn't work when run via
Ant in Eclipse. It works fine for individual JUnit tests and in IDEA ??
<property name="mappingJarLocations">
At line 276 removed 1 line.
Apparently there is another way to reference the mapping files(.hbm.xml) using "<value>org/jbpm/**/**/**.hbm.xml</value>" syntax, however, i couldn't get it to work.
At line 348 changed 1 line.
In the next installment we will dive into creating more real-life like (tasks, variables, scheduling, custom queries) process defintions using the graphical plugin tool for Eclipse. We will also cover how to avoid reploying process defintions across server restarts, and finally we will inject some spring beans into our jBPM actions to demonstrate what a poweful and easy workflow mechanism jBPM really is!
In the next installment we will setup appfuse/jbpm to run in Eclipse. We will also use Jbpm Process Designer to design defintions.

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