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Difference between version 3 and version 2:

At line 344 changed 2 lines.
A few words regarding the above code. We grab the config bean(previously configured) and use it to initialize a context. Using jBPM context we can make use of all the services defined in the jbpm.cfg file. GraphSession is used to load the latest instance of process definition. by executing an hql query (defined in org/jbpm/db/hibernate.queries.hbm.xml). Once we have the defintion we can create instances from that workflow and perform transition, tasks, adding variables, scheduling tasks etc (more on this later). So now its time to run this test case. The first time you fire up this test case, jbpm will initialize and deploy your process defintion to its database.
Infact everytime you start it up it deploys a new version of the defintion.
A few words regarding the above code. We grab the config bean(previously configured) and use it to initialize a context. Using jBPM context we can make use of all the services defined in the jbpm.cfg file. GraphSession is used to load the latest instance of process definition by executing a hql query (defined in org/jbpm/db/hibernate.queries.hbm.xml). Once we have the defintion we can create instances from that workflow and perform transitions, tasks, adding variables, scheduling etc (more on this later).
At line 346 added 2 lines.
The first time you fire up the test, jbpm will initialize and deploy your process defintion to its database. After it has been initialized you should get the green light of junit!

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