At line 1 changed 199 lines. |
Since v1.6.3 you can now define your own plugins. These are just |
simply Java classes that implement the |
''com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.WikiPlugin'' interface and can be found from |
somewhere in your class path. The plugins work so that when you write |
a special code on the Wiki page, the plugins are invoked and their |
output is inserted into the page, verbatim. |
The form is: |
[[{INSERT <plugin class> WHERE <param1=value1>,<param2=value2>,...}] |
You can also use a shortcut: instead of using {{[[{INSERT com.ecyrd.jspwiki.plugin.RecentChangesPlugin}} you can also use {{[[{INSERT RecentChangesPlugin}]}}. This works only with the plugins that come with JSPWiki, though. |
In addition, you can now (since 1.9.30) omit even the "INSERT", so the shortest possible version for plugins becomes: |
[[{CurrentTimePlugin}] |
If a parameter contains spaces, you can use single quotes (') around the parameter. Like this: |
[[{INSERT CurrentTimePlugin format='dd MM yyyy'}] |
Here are some sample plugins included in the archive: |
---- |
!!RecentChangesPlugin |
Inserts the latest changes in order. |
!Parameters: |
* __since__=''n'' : show changes from the last n days. |
* __format__=''(full|compact)'' : if "full", then display a long |
version with all possible info. If "compact", then be as compact as possible. |
!Example: |
{{{ |
[{INSERT RecentChangesPlugin since=5, format=compact}] |
}}} |
Inserts the changes from the past 5 days in a compact format. You |
might use this to make an automatical list of changes to the [LeftMenu], or [LeftMenuFooter], for example. |
---- |
!!UnusedPagesPlugin |
Lists all pages that are not currently referred to by any other page, thus meaning they are inaccessible through any other means. |
!Parameters |
* __maxwidth__=''n'' : Limits the length of the generated links to at most ''n'' characters. This should used to keep the [LeftMenu] or [LeftMenuFooter] at a manageable width. Default is to not limit the length at all. |
!Example: |
See [UnusedPages]. |
---- |
!!UndefinedPagesPlugin |
Lists all pages that are referred to, but not yet created. |
!Parameters |
* __maxwidth__=''n'' : Limits the length of the generated links to at most ''n'' characters. This should used to keep the [LeftMenu] or [LeftMenuFooter] at a manageable width. Default is to not limit the length at all. |
!Example: |
See [UndefinedPages]. |
---- |
!!ReferringPagesPlugin |
Finds and lists all pages that refer to the current page. |
!Parameters |
* __max__=''n'' : How many pages to list. Default is 10. Some pages might create very long lists, so it's a good idea to limit the list size. |
* __maxwidth__=''n'' : Limits the length of the generated links to at most ''n'' characters. This should used to keep the [LeftMenu] or [LeftMenuFooter] at a manageable width. Default is to not limit the length at all. |
!Example |
See [LeftMenuFooter]. |
---- |
!!CurrentTimePlugin |
Just displays the current server time. |
!Parameters |
* __format__=''format string'' : How the date and time should be formatted. If you omit this, a default format will be used. The following characters are available to you: |
{{{ |
Symbol Meaning Presentation Example |
------ ------- ------------ ------- |
G era designator (Text) AD |
y year (Number) 1996 |
M month in year (Text & Number) July & 07 |
d day in month (Number) 10 |
h hour in am/pm (1~12) (Number) 12 |
H hour in day (0~23) (Number) 0 |
m minute in hour (Number) 30 |
s second in minute (Number) 55 |
S millisecond (Number) 978 |
E day in week (Text) Tuesday |
D day in year (Number) 189 |
F day of week in month (Number) 2 (2nd Wed in July) |
w week in year (Number) 27 |
W week in month (Number) 2 |
a am/pm marker (Text) PM |
k hour in day (1~24) (Number) 24 |
K hour in am/pm (0~11) (Number) 0 |
z time zone (Text) Pacific Standard Time |
\' escape for text (Delimiter) |
\'' single quote (Literal) ' |
}}} |
For example, two 'y':s give you the year using two digits. Four 'y':s give you the year in four digits. Three 'M':s give you the month in letters, whereas two 'M':s give just the month number. |
(Yes, these are exactly the Java [SimpleDateFormat|] arguments. Sorry for copying them in.) |
!Example |
Using [[{INSERT CurrentTimePlugin format='yyyy.MM.dd G \'at\' hh:mm:ss z'}] would give you: |
[{INSERT CurrentTimePlugin format='yyyy.MM.dd G \'at\' hh:mm:ss z'}] |
---- |
!!IndexPlugin |
Displays all of the pages in this Wiki in alphabetical order. IndexPlugin has been contributed by AlainRavet. |
!Parameters |
* __itemsPerLine__ = ''n''. Break every 'n' items on line. |
!Example |
See [PageIndex]. |
---- |
!!Counter |
A simple counter that starts counting at 1 at the top of the page, and each time it is invoked, will increase its value by one. These counters are transient, and relative to the current page view only - i.e. two persons viewing the same page at the same time get their own counters. |
The current counter value is accessible also as a [WikiVariable]. The name of the variable is "counter", or "counter-<name>", if you have defined a counter name. |
!Parameters |
* __name__ = ''counter name''. You may define as many counters per page as you want; you just need to separate them with the ''counter name'' |
!Example |
[[{Counter}], [[{Counter}], [[{Counter}], [[{Counter name='aa'}] produces |
[{Counter}], [{Counter}], [{Counter}], [{Counter name='aa'}]. |
The value of "counter" at the end is [{$counter}] and the value of "counter-aa" is [{$counter-aa}]. |
---- |
!!Image |
The Image plugin allows one to have finer control over the layout of images than just the simple inling of images. |
!Parameters |
* __src__ = ''Image source''. This can either be a full URL (http://...) or a [WikiAttachment] name. Required. |
* __align__ = ''left|right|center''. The image alignment. |
* __height__ = ''integer''. Force the height of the image. |
* __width__ = ''integer''. Force the width of the image. |
* __alt__ = ''alt text''. The alt text of an image. This is very useful when doing pages that can be navigated w |
ith text-only browsers. |
* __caption__ = ''caption text''. The text that should be shown as a caption under the image. |
* __link__ = ''hyperlink''. A hyperlink (http://...). In the future, you can also use [WikiPages]. |
* __border__ = ''integer''. Size of the image border. |
* __style__ = ''style info''. Any style markup you would like to apply to the table surrounding the image. |
* __class__ = ''class name''. Redefine the default class for this |
image, which is "imageplugin". |
!Example |
[[{Image src='SandBox/test.png' caption='Testing image' style='font-size: 120%; color: green;'}]. |
Shows the attachment SandBox/test.png with the caption "Testing image" underneath it. The text is 120% in height a |
nd will be rendered in green color. |
!CSS |
* {{.imageplugin}} = The table that encompasses the image. It consists of two undercategories: |
** {{img}} = The IMG tag that gets embedded. |
** {{caption}} = The caption that is embedded. |
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