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!Steps for running Appfuse 1.8.2 under Oracle Application Server Enterprise Edition 10g Release 2 (
''Contributed by Stefano Bertini (stefano.bertini at plangroup.it) ''
To successfully deploy an application developed with Appfuse 1.8.2 under the Oracle AS 10g Rel.2 there are quite a number of steps to follow as Oracle AS has a lot of different (and odd) behaviours from Tomcat.
We need to modify the build.xml and some classes... \\And we need to write some new ones...
Here we go !
!Oracle doesn't like <dispatcher> tags in web.xml
We need edit the __properties.xml__ to add a property:\\
{{{<property name="DeployOnOrion" value="true"/>}}}
Then, we modify the __build.xml__, in the __package-web__ target so that it doesn't remove the comments from the <dispatcher> tags:
<and> <!-- Modified Part start -->
<isset property="DeployOnOrion"/>
<isset property="tomcat5"/>
<isset property="tomcat5.5"/>
</and> <!-- Modified Part end-->
<replaceregexp flags="g"
<replaceregexp flags="g"
!The contextConfigLocation parameter
In the __/metadata/web/web-settings.xml__ file there is the __contextConfigLocation__ parameter that looks like this:
The problem with Oracle AS is that the wildcards syntax won't work. \\
And, moreover, the __classpath*:META-INF/__ search doesn't work because Oracle returns a bad URL format while browsing inside jar files.
So we have to do two different things: the first step is to modify the __build.xml__ file so that it copies the __applicationContext-hibernate.xml__ and __applicationContext-service.xml__ files in the WEB-INF directory.\\
We do this by adding the following statements at the __end__ of the __copy-resources__ target:
<copy overwrite="true" tofile="${build.dir}/${webapp.name}/WEB-INF/applicationContext-${dao.type}.xml">
<fileset dir="src/dao" includes="**/*-${dao.type}.xml"/>
<filterset refid="variables.to.replace"/>
<copy tofile="${build.dir}/${webapp.name}/WEB-INF/applicationContext-service.xml">
<fileset dir="src/service" includes="**/*-service.xml"/>
Then, we modify the __contextConfigLocation__ parameter in this way:
!Oracle calls the UserCounterListener twice
The UserCounterListener is added twice when the application is deployed because it is defined both in the __web.xml__ file and in the __/WEB-INF/<appname>.tld__ file.
This causes the application to add every user twice in the user list.
Infact, the __webdoclet__ target, in the __jsptaglip__ subtask, re-adds every listener in the taglibrary definition.
You need to modify the __webdoclet__ target in this way:
<target name="webdoclet" depends="compile-web" unless="webdoclet.unnecessary"
description="Generate web and Struts descriptors">
<taskdef name="webdoclet" classname="xdoclet.modules.web.WebDocletTask">
<path refid="xdoclet.classpath"/>
<path refid="web.compile.classpath"/>
<webdoclet destdir="${webapp.target}/WEB-INF"
<fileset dir="src/web"/>
<fileset dir="${build.dir}/web/gen"/>
<deploymentdescriptor validateXML="true"
servletspec="2.3" sessiontimeout="10"
destdir="${webapp.target}/WEB-INF" distributable="false"
<configParam name="httpPort" value="${http.port}"/>
<configParam name="httpsPort" value="${https.port}"/>
<configParam name="daoType" value="${dao.type}"/>
<strutsconfigxml validateXML="true" version="1.2"/>
<webdoclet destdir="${webapp.target}/WEB-INF"
<fileset dir="src/web" excludes="**/listener/**"/>
<fileset dir="${build.dir}/web/gen"/>
<jsptaglib validateXML="true"
description="Custom tag library for this application"
shortName="${webapp.name}" filename="${webapp.name}.tld"/>
!When invalidating a session, Oracle doesn't call any HttpSessionAttributeListener
So the UserCounterListener is never called to remove unlogged users from the User List.
To fix this behaviour I created an OrionSessionListener class that gets called when a session is invalidated and that removes every variable in the session itself, forcing every HttpSessionAttributeListener to be called from the server.
Here is the class (create it in your /src/.../webapp/listener directory):
package <your_package_path>.webapp.listener;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionEvent;
import javax.servlet.http.HttpSessionListener;
* This listener is invoked by Orion when a session is invalidated.
* It removes every variable bound to that session forcing Orion
* to call every HttpSessionAttributeListener.
* @author <a href="mailto:stefano.bertini at plangroup.it">Stefano Bertini</a>
* @web.listener
public class OrionSessionListener implements HttpSessionListener {
public void sessionCreated(HttpSessionEvent event) {
public void sessionDestroyed(HttpSessionEvent event) {
HttpSession session = event.getSession();
Enumeration names = session.getAttributeNames() ;
while (names.hasMoreElements()) {
!Null Object reference in class ConstantsTag
In the __header.jsp__ page, you get a NullPointerException when executing the line
<appfuse:constants scope="request"/>
This is caused by the __release()__ method of the __ConstantsTag__
{{{ public void release() {
clazz = null;
scope = Constants.class.getName();
in the line
clazz = null;
Just comment it out and everything works again.
I tried to use the __class__ parameter of the __constants__ tag, but i got another error and i had no more time to investigate further. :-)
!Oracle doesn't execute filters if the url doesn't contain an extension
The problem happens with the __j_security_check__ filter.
If you deploy the application, you will find out that it is impossible to login. This happens because the filter that should be triggered by the __j_security_check__ url never gets called.
I found out that the problem is because the url doesn't have an extension. I changed the __j_security_check__ into __j_security_check.login__ and everything works again.
You have to change this in the following files:\\
/properties.xml \\
/metadata/web/filter-mappings.xml \\
/src/web/your_app_path/webapp/action/LoginServlet.java \\
/web/WEB-INF/applicationContext-security.xml \\
!Strange behaviours with Orache Web Cache
Using Oracle Web Cache i noticed some strange behaviours.
OWC keeps caching pages even if the header's meta tags say not to cache anything.
I had to disable the OWC to have the application work correctly.

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