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Difference between version 2 and version 1:

At line 1 changed 1 line.
__Part III:__ [Creating Controllers and JSPs|SpringControllers] - A HowTo for creating [Spring|http://www.springframework.org] Controllers and JSPs in an [AppFuse] project.
__Parte III:__ [Criando Controllers e JSPs|SpringControllers_pt] - Um HowTo para criar Controllers [Spring|http://www.springframework.org] and JSPs em um projeto [AppFuse].
At line 3 changed 1 line.
;:''This tutorial depends on __Part II:__ [Creating new Managers|CreateManager].''
;:''Este tutorial depende da __Parte II:__ [Criando novos Gerentes (''Managers'')|CreateManager_pt].''
At line 5 changed 2 lines.
!!About this Tutorial
This tutorial will show you how to create Spring Controllers and JSPs. It'll also demonstrate writing JUnit Tests to test your Controllers. The Controller we create will talk to the PersonManager we created in the [Creating Managers|CreateManager] tutorial.
!!Sobre este Tutorial
Este tutorial mostrará como criar Controllers Spring e JSPs. Ele também demonstrará como escrever testes unitários JUnit para testar seus Controllers. O Controller que criamos conversará com o PersonManager criado no tutorial [Criando Gerentes (''Managers'')|CreateManager_pt].

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