At line 14 changed 2 lines. |
* [5] Add ''testSearch'' methods to Action Test |
* [6] Add ''search '' method to Action |
* [5] Create PersonControllerTest |
* [6] Create PersonController |
At line 89 changed 1 line. |
Now that we have Validation configured for this form, let's make sure it works. Run __ant db-load deploy__, start Tomcat and go to [http://localhost:8080/appfuse/editPerson.html?id=1]. |
Now that we have Validation configured for this form, let's make sure it works. Run __ant db-load deploy__, start Tomcat and go to [http://localhost:8080/appfuse/editPerson.html?id=1]. One thing you might notice is that the "First Name" and "Last Name" labels now have asterisks next to them - indicating required fields. This is achieved with a LabelTag that looks up the validation rules from Commons Validator. |
At line 100 changed 1 line. |
[validation-required-nojs.png] |
[ValidationAndList/validation-required-nojs.png] |
At line 102 removed 7 lines. |
If you don't see these validation errors, there are a couple possibilities: |
* The form saves with a success message, but the firstName and lastName fields are now blank. |
;:''This is because the <html:form> in web/pages/personForm.jsp has action="editPerson" - make sure it has __action="savePerson"__.'' |
* You click save, but a blank page appears. |
;:''The blank page indicates that the "input" attribute of you "savePerson" forward is incorrectly configured. Make sure it relates to a local or global action-forward. In this example, it should be __input="edit"__, which points to the .personDetail tile's definition. From my experience, the input's value must be a forward, not a path to an action.'' |
At line 153 changed 2 lines. |
!!Add testSearch method to Action Test [#5] |
Open test/web/**/action/ and add the following method: |
!!Create PersonControllerTest [#5] |
In the last couple of tutorials, we've been working with the PersonFormController to interact with our HTML form. Now we need to create a new Controller that'll simply handle getting and displaying a list of people in the database. You could also use a |
[MultiActionController|\ to handle all your List screens. |
At line 156 changed 1 line. |
;:%%(color: blue)''I copied the testSearch method from and changed the "User" stuff to "Person".'' |
To begin, create test/web/**/action/ (extends BaseControllerTestCase) and add the following method: |
At line 152 added 2 lines. |
;:%%(color: blue)''I copied the testHandleRequest method from and changed the "User" stuff to "Person".'' |
At line 160 changed 9 lines. |
public void testSearch() { |
setRequestPathInfo("/editPerson"); |
addRequestParameter("action", "Search"); |
actionPerform(); |
verifyForward("list"); |
assertTrue(getRequest().getAttribute(Constants.PERSON_LIST) != null); |
verifyNoActionErrors(); |
public void testHandleRequest() throws Exception { |
PersonController c = (PersonController) ctx.getBean("personController"); |
ModelAndView mav = |
c.handleRequest((HttpServletRequest) null, |
(HttpServletResponse) null); |
Map m = mav.getModel(); |
assertNotNull(m.get(Constants.USER_LIST)); |
assertEquals(mav.getViewName(), "personList"); |
At line 172 changed 1 line. |
This class will not compile until you add the PERSON_LIST variable to the src/dao/**/ file. |
This class will not compile until you (1) create the PersonController class and (2) add the PERSON_LIST variable to the src/dao/**/ file. |
At line 184 changed 1 line. |
Now save all your changes. You won't be able to run __ant test-cactus -Dtestcase=PersonAction__ yet since '''' does not exist (yet). Let's add it. |
Now save all your changes. You won't be able to run __ant test-web -Dtestcase=PersonController__ yet since ''PersonController'' does not exist (yet). Let's add it. |
At line 186 changed 2 lines. |
!!Add search method to Action [#6] |
Open src/web/**/action/ and add the following XDoclet tag at the top - to forward to our list screen. |
!!Create PersonController [#6] |
Create src/web/**/action/ It should implement {{org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller}} and resemble the following: |
At line 191 changed 2 lines. |
* @struts.action-forward name="list" path=".personList" |
}] |
package org.appfuse.webapp.action; |
At line 194 changed 1 line. |
Now add the search method to the body of the PersonAction class. |
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; |
import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; |
At line 196 changed 1 line. |
;:%%(color: blue)''I used as a template for this method.'' |
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; |
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; |
At line 198 changed 1 line. |
[{Java2HtmlPlugin |
import org.appfuse.Constants; |
import org.appfuse.model.Person; |
import org.appfuse.service.PersonManager; |
At line 200 changed 4 lines. |
public ActionForward search(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, |
HttpServletRequest request, |
HttpServletResponse response) |
throws Exception { |
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView; |
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.Controller; |
public class PersonController implements Controller { |
private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(PersonController.class); |
private PersonManager mgr = null; |
public void setPersonManager(PersonManager userManager) { |
this.mgr = userManager; |
} |
public ModelAndView handleRequest(HttpServletRequest request, |
HttpServletResponse response) |
throws Exception { |
At line 205 changed 1 line. |
log.debug("Entering 'search' method"); |
log.debug("entering 'handleRequest' method..."); |
At line 208 changed 7 lines. |
// Exceptions are caught by ActionExceptionHandler |
PersonManager mgr = (PersonManager) getBean("personManager"); |
List people = mgr.getPeople(null); |
request.setAttribute(Constants.PERSON_LIST, people); |
// return a forward to the person list definition |
return mapping.findForward("list"); |
return new ModelAndView("personList", Constants.PERSON_LIST, |
mgr.getPeople(new Person())); |
At line 220 added 1 line. |
} |
At line 218 changed 1 line. |
Now if you run __ant test-cactus -Dtestcase=PersonAction__, you will get an error that the .personList definition does not exist. Or, at least that is what the following error is trying to say: |
Now add a definition to web/WEB-INF/action-servlet.xml for this Controller. |
At line 220 removed 12 lines. |
{{{ |
Testcase: testSearch(org.appfuse.webapp.action.PersonActionTest): FAILED |
was expecting '/appfuse/.personList' but received '/appfuse.personList' |
}}} |
!!Create personList.jsp and Canoo test [#7] |
Let's create the JSP to hold our list and a Tile's definition for it. There should already be a personList.jsp in the ''web'' folder of your project. Copy this file to web/pages/personList.jsp. If it's not there, you can use the ViewGen Tool to create it. To do this from the command-line, navigate to extras/viewgen and run __ant This will generate a PersonFormList.jsp in extras/viewgen/build. |
Once personList.jsp exists in ''web/pages'', open it for editing. |
At the top of the file is a <bean:struts> tags that exposes the edit screen's forward as a page-scoped variable. This should already have a value of "editPerson". |
At line 234 changed 2 lines. |
<%-- For linking to edit screen --%> |
<bean:struts id="editURL" forward="editPerson"/> |
<bean id="personController" class="org.appfuse.webapp.action.PersonController"> |
<property name="personManager"><ref bean="personManager"/></property> |
</bean> |
At line 238 changed 1 line. |
Now we need to add this to the metadata/web/global-forwards.xml, as well as one for viewing the list. This way, they will get included in our struts-config.xml file. |
Now if you run __ant test-web -Dtestcase=PersonController__, the test should pass. Now we need to create a URL mapping for this controller. To do this, search for the "urlMapping" bean in web/WEB-INF/action-servlet.xml and add the following line to the "mappings" property: |
At line 242 changed 2 lines. |
<forward name="editPerson" path="/editPerson.html"/> |
<forward name="viewPeople" path="/editPerson.html?action=Search"/> |
<prop key="/people.html">personController</prop> |
At line 246 changed 1 line. |
In the first <button> you find in personList.jsp, we need to populate another forward - this time to the Add screen. Make sure your button's onclick event matches the following: |
Now we need to create a Tile's definition for the personList.jsp page. |
At line 248 changed 1 line. |
[{Java2HtmlPlugin |
!!Create personList.jsp and Canoo test [#7] |
Let's create the JSP to hold our list and a Tile's definition for it. There should already be a personList.jsp in the ''web/pages'' folder of your project. If it's not there, you can use the ViewGen Tool to create it. To do this from the command-line, navigate to extras/viewgen and run __ant This will generate a personList.jsp in extras/viewgen/build. |
At line 250 changed 2 lines. |
onclick="location.href='<html:rewrite forward="editPerson"/>'"> |
}] |
Once personList.jsp exists in ''web/pages'', open it for editing. |
At line 258 changed 1 line. |
titleKey=""/> |
titleKey=""/> |
At line 273 changed 1 line. |
;:%%(color: blue)''I usually copy an existing list definition - i.e. .userList.'' |
;:%%(color: blue)''I usually copy an existing list definition - i.e. userList.'' |
At line 278 changed 1 line. |
<definition name=".personList" extends=".mainMenu"> |
<definition name="personList" extends="mainMenu"> |
At line 294 changed 1 line. |
{{personList.heading}} will be put into an <h1> tag before any page content. At this point, your PersonActionTest should succeed. Save all your changes, navigate to the basedir of your project and try it by executing __ant test-cactus -Dtestcase=PersonAction__. |
{{personList.heading}} will be put into an <h1> tag before any page content. At this point, you could be able to run "ant deploy", start Tomcat and [open the list screen in your browser|http://localhost:8080/appfuse/people.html]. |
At line 296 removed 8 lines. |
%%(color:green) |
''__Sweet!__''\\ |
Total time: 1 minute 0 seconds |
%% |
At this point, you should be able to view this page in your browser at [http://localhost:8080/appfuse/]. |