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Difference between version 4 and version 3:

At line 289 changed 1 line.
Now that we have a List Screen, let's change the pages that are displayed after adding and deleting a new Person. In src/web/**/PersonAction.java, change the ''mapping.findForward("mainMenu")'' in the ''save'', ''delete'' and ''cancel'' methods to be:
Now that we have a List Screen, let's change the pages that are displayed after adding and deleting a new Person. In web/WEB-INF/action-servlet.xml, change the personFormController's successView property to be "people.html".
At line 293 changed 1 line.
return mapping.findForward("viewPeople");
<property name="successView"><value>people.html</value></property>
At line 296 changed 1 line.
You will also need to change ''verifyForward("list")'' to be ''verifyForward("viewPeople")'' in the testRemove method of test/web/**/PersonActionTest.java. Lastly, the Canoo tests "AddPerson" and "DeletePerson" need to be updated. Open test/web/web-tests.xml and change the following line in the "AddPerson" target:
You will also need to update the Canoo tests "AddPerson" and "DeletePerson". Open test/web/web-tests.xml and change the following line in the "AddPerson" target:
At line 308 changed 2 lines.
{{{<verifytitle description="display Main Menu"
text=".*$(mainMenu.title}.*" regex="true"/>
{{{<verifytitle description="display Main Menu" text=".*$(mainMenu.title}.*" regex="true"/>
At line 314 changed 2 lines.
{{{<verifytitle description="display Person List"
text=".*$(personList.title}.*" regex="true"/>}}}
{{{<verifytitle description="display Person List" text=".*$(personList.title}.*" regex="true"/>}}}
At line 317 removed 2 lines.
We use "viewPeople" instead of "list" so that the search method will be executed, rather than simply forwarding to the .personList definition (which the "list" forward points to).
At line 330 changed 1 line.
<invoke description="click View People link" url="/editPerson.html?action=Search"/>
<invoke description="click View People link" url="/people.html"/>
At line 351 changed 1 line.
Now you can run __ant test-canoo -Dtestcase=SearchPeople__ (or ''ant test-jsp'' if Tomcat isn't running) and hopefully it will result in "BUILD SUCCESSFUL". If so - ''nice work!''
Now you can run __ant deploy test-canoo -Dtestcase=SearchPeople__ (or ''ant test-jsp'' if Tomcat isn't running) and hopefully it will result in "BUILD SUCCESSFUL". If so - ''nice work!''
At line 395 changed 1 line.
Now if you run __ant clean deploy__ and start Tomcat, you should see something like the screenshot below.
Now if you run __ant clean deploy__, start Tomcat and go to [http://localhost:8080/appfuse/mainMenu.html], you should see something like the screenshot below.
At line 398 changed 1 line.
At line 404 changed 1 line.
You've completed the full lifecycle of developing a set of master-detail pages with AppFuse - __congratulations__. Now the real test is if you can run all the tests in your app without failure. To test, stop tomcat and run __ant clean test-all__. This will run all the unit tests within your project. As a reminder, it should be easy to setup and test AppFuse from scratch using __ant setup-db setup-tomcat test-all__. Also, if you're looking for more robust examples - checkout [StrutsResume].
You've completed the full lifecycle of developing a set of master-detail pages with AppFuse and Spring's MVC framework - __Congratulations__! Now the real test is if you can run all the tests in your app without failure. To test, stop tomcat and run __ant clean test-all__. This will run all the unit tests within your project. As a reminder, it should be easy to setup and test AppFuse from scratch using __ant setup-db setup-tomcat test-all__. Also, if you're looking for more robust examples - checkout [StrutsResume].

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