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Difference between version 4 and version 1:

At line 3 changed 1 line.
* Add the following code to the bottom of your struts_form.xdt file:
__Step 1:__ Add the following code to the bottom of your struts_form.xdt file. NOTE: You will need Velocity JARs in your classpath for this modified template to work.
At line 25 changed 1 line.
this.<XDtMethod:propertyName/> = org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils.lazyList(new java.util.ArrayList(), new ObjectFactory("<XDtVelocity:getVariable name="objectName"/>"));
this.<XDtMethod:propertyName/> =
org.apache.commons.collections.ListUtils.lazyList(new java.util.ArrayList(),
new ObjectFactory("<XDtVelocity:getVariable name="objectName"/>"));
At line 45 changed 1 line.
c = Class.forName("us.co.adams.apptracker.webapp.form." + name + "Form");
c = Class.forName("org.appfuse.webapp.form." + name + "Form");
At line 59 changed 1 line.
* For the generated Forms that have indexed properties (i.e. those with Hibernate many-to-one associations), add an attribute to the @struts.form tag: indexedProperties="true". If you name your Lists as plural forms of your Objects, everything should work fine. For instance, if you have a list of User objects, your List should be named "users" with appropriate getters and setters:
__Step 2:__ For the generated Forms that have indexed properties (i.e. those with Hibernate many-to-one associations), add an attribute to the @struts.form tag: indexedProperties="true". If you name your Lists as plural forms of your Objects, everything should work fine. For instance, if you have a list of User objects, your List should be named "users" with appropriate getters and setters:

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