AppFuseAcegiACLSavingNewACLAwareObjects |
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Step VII: How to create new ACLs
In this part we will add ACLs to new objects.
Adding the aclManager to the person manager
- Open the PersonManagerImpl and add a new attribute:
private BasicAclProviderManager basicAclProviderManager;
* @param basicAclProviderManager The basicAclProviderManager to set.
public void setBasicAclProviderManager(BasicAclProviderManager basicAclProviderManager)
this.basicAclProviderManager = basicAclProviderManager;
- Optional: If you don't use autowire="byName" on the bean "personManager", add the following part to the correpsonfing beanDefinition:
<property name="basicAclProviderManager" ref="basicAclProviderManager"/>
Creating new ACls when saving a new person
- Goto the method savePerson() and replace it with the following code:
* @see org.appfuse.service.PersonManager#savePerson(org.appfuse.model.Person)
public void savePerson(Person person)
boolean isNew = person.getId()== null;
//If the person object is NEW, create new ACLs for the object
//Create a new objectIdentity
BasicAclObjectIdentity identity = basicAclProviderManager.createBasicObjectIndentity(person);
//grant permission ADMINISTRATION for role "admin"
//Grant READ_WRITE permissions for the current user (the user creating this person)
Removing ACLs when deleting a person
Finally, we need to delete the object identity and all permissions, if a person object is deleted:
- Change the method removePerson(String id):
* @see org.appfuse.service.PersonManager#removePerson(java.lang.String)
public void removePerson(String id)
Testing the App
- Redeploy your application
- Login as "mraible" and add a new person
- If you now go to the list screen, you should see the new person
- Logout and login as "tomcat".
- If you now go to the person list, you should see no persons
- Add a new person
- the list view should now contain 1 person
- Logout and login as "mraible"
- The person list should now contain 3 persons (1 already in the DB by the sample-data.xml, 1 added by "mraible" and 1 added by the user "tomcat")
- you can try to hack the app by playing with the URL, but if you (for example) try to save the person with the ID 1, you should get a "Access denied" exception ;)
Next step
Step VIII. How to use the ACLs in your JSPs