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It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. What is AppFuseAfter spending some time on the AppFuse IRC, it is apparent there is some confusion about what exactly AppFuse is. This page is an attempt to better explain that question. AppFuse is a FrameworkThis is sort of the 10,000 foot view of what AppFuse is. It is a structure in which web applications of a variety of types and sizes are created.AppFuse is a Directory StructureOne of kedy features of AppFuse is the way it logically separates code into its appropriate locations based on function. Persistence code belongs in src/dao, manager code in src/service, controller code in src/web and of cource testing code in test/.AppFuse is a Build FileThe build.xml file makes for a nice way to create, build, test, package, deploy webapps. It also nicely handles changing dependancies and maintaining properties that may be different in development than in production.AppFuse is a Sample ApplicationAppFuse is an example of how to use many technologies and follow many best practices when creating web applications. There are examples of how to do everything from performing CRUD opperations from your view all the way to the persistence layer as well as how to add a filter to your webapp. Because the common things that are needed in basically all web applications are already in AppFuse, you will only need to figure out how to do the parts that make your webapp unique.