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This is version 8.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. This page describes the steps to get AppFuse 1.9 working on Winstone. Sincerely a simply and at the same time powerful container. Have you tried to install an appfuse project as a desktop application? No! Now you can do it! How? Let's see how is simple to make AppFuse run on Winstone: 1. Build AppFuse as usual: ant war; 2. Create a directory, for example, felini and on it another sub-directory: lib; 3. Copy your war file to felini and copy your JBDC Driver and jta.jar to lib directory; 4. Other thing, in order to turn on JSP compilation in Winstone, you'll need to place the following jar files into the lib folder under the current directory (or the folder identified by the --commonLibFolder directive): jasper-compiler.jar, jasper-runtime.jar, ant.jar, commons-logging-api.jar, commons-el.jar (Jasper 2 only) - These are required if you are using Jasper 2.0. You can get them from the tomcat binary distribution;