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This is version 24.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. This page is designed to document the things I want to do with AppFuse in 2004. Feel free to add suggestions as you see fit. Spring 2004
Summer/Fall 2004
How?Thinking Out Loud: The hard part about adding "choices" for the user is that the CVS checkout becomes bloated and there are two many decisions. I'd like to figure out a way (hopefully using CVS) to allow a "default" version of AppFuse and then an AppFuse-WW, AppFuse-iBatis, etc. That's going to be tough to do because a lot of classpath's are going to change based on the implementation. It might be easier to simply start a new branch, but there's probably going to be a LOT of duplication between build files libraries. Maybe I can just split off the "lib" directory into another branch, and allow that to be download separately based on dependencies needed. Who knows. Is this something that Maven could make easier? I'd hate to get away from Ant, especially since I'm very comfortable with how everything works now.Proposed Solution: I think the easiest way to handle the various "options" is to have them as a separate download and CVS module. Then I'll use ant in these modules to rip out and replace the core stuff with the module-specific stuff. Implemented Solution: I'm adding all extra modules (i.e. iBATIS, WW, etc.) to the main CVS tree. Right now they're in the contrib folder, but I might move them to tools. For iBATIS (and the soon-to-come others), you just navigate to the contrib/ibatis directory (from the command line) and type "ant" to see your installation options.