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This is version 6.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. Upgrading a project to a new version of AppFuseThe intention of AppFuse has always been to be a starting point for a new web application. Because of the nature of AppFuse it is not as easy as replacing a .jar or running a script to update a project to the latest versions of AppFuse. So you will need to consider if going through the upgrade process will be worth the effort. NOTE: As part of 2.0, we do hope to make it much easier to upgrade. Hopefully it'll be as easy as changing the version number in a file.If you still want to upgrade, here's the easiest way to do it:
It is recommended that you copy into the newer version project from your existing webapp. Hopefully, it's just a matter of copying the files you created, as well as any bean definitions you've added to context files.