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It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. Part III: Creating Actions and JSPs - A HowTo for creating Struts ![]()
About this TutorialThis tutorial will show you how to create a Struts Action, a JUnit Test (using StrutsTestCase![]() By default, AppFuse ships with Struts To install Spring MVC, navigate to extras/spring, and view the README.txt. For WebWork, see extras/webwork/README.txt. You can easily install these options in your project by running "ant install-springmvc" or "ant install-webwork". This tutorial using these two options can be found at:
Let's get started by creating a new Struts Action and JSP your AppFuse project.
Table of Contents
Add XDoclet Tags to Person to generate PersonForm [#1]Now let's generate our PersonForm object for Struts and our web tier. To do this, we need to add XDoclet tags to the Person.java Object to create our Struts ActionForm. In the JavaDoc for the Person.java file, add the following @struts.form tags (use User.java if you need an example):
Create a skeleton JSP using XDoclet [#2]In this step, we'll generate a skeleton or our JSP for displaying information from the PersonForm. I say skeleton because it'll just be the <form> itself. It will contain table rows and Struts' <html:text> tags for each property in PersonForm.java. The tool that we use to do this was written by Erik Hatcher![]() Here are the simple steps to generating the JSP and a properties file containing the labels for the form elements:
# -- person form -- personForm.firstName=First Name personForm.id=Id personForm.lastName=Last Name
body#pageName element.class { background-color: blue
Open web/WEB-INF/classes/ApplicationResources_en.properties and add the following to the bottom of the file: # -- person detail page -- personDetail.title=Person Detail personDetail.heading=Person InformationNOTE: Just above, we added "personForm.*" keys to this file, so why do I use personForm and personDetail? The best reason is because it gives a nice separation between form labels and text on the page. Another reason is because all the *Form.* give you a nice representation of all the fields in your database. I recently had a client who wanted all fields in the database searchable. This was fairly easy to do. I just looked up all the keys in ApplicationResources.properties which contained "Form." and then put them into a drop-down. On the UI, the user was able to enter a search term and select the column they wanted to search. I was glad I followed this Form vs. Detail distinction on that project! Create a new ActionTest to test our Action [#3]To create a StrutsTestCase Test for our Action, start by creating a PersonActionTest.java file in the test/web/**/action directory.
If you did copy UserActionTest, make sure and change UserFormEx to PersonForm. The reason for UserFormEx is to support a String setter for Roles. Since the UserForm is generated, it's not very feasible to do it in the User.java object.
Everything should compile at this point (ant compile) since we're not referring to the PersonAction directly in our test. However, if you try to run ant test-cactus -Dtestcase=PersonAction, it won't work (make sure Tomcat is not running if you decide to try this). Create a new Action [#4]Now we have to create an Action (a.k.a. the Controller) to talk to our Manager and retrieve/save our data. In src/web/**/action, create a PersonAction.java file with the following contents:
We're not putting much in PersonAction at this point because we just want to 1) render the JSP and 2) verify our Test runs. The XDoclet tags (beginning with @struts.action) will generate the following XML in the build/appfuse/WEB-INF/struts-config.xml file (when you run ant webdoclet):
Everything is almost done for this tutorial, let's get to running our tests! Display the JSP in a browser and run the ActionTest [#5]To test the JSP visually in your browser, save everything, run ant deploy, start Tomcat, and navigate to http://localhost:8080/appfuse/personForm.jsp
Now, if you stop Tomcat and run ant test-cactus -Dtestcase=PersonAction, that should work too! BUILD SUCCESSFULTotal time: 51 seconds
Next Up: Part IV: Configuring JSP and Action CRUD methods - Integrating personForm.jsp with Struts, replacing execute with different CRUD methods (add, edit, delete), customizing the JSP so it looks good and finally - writing a WebTest to test the JSPs functionality. Attachments: