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It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. Part II: Create Weblog UI - A HowTo for creating a UI (in Struts) for managing the DAOs created in the Hibernate Relationships tutorial. I've eliminated creating managers in this tutorial for a couple reasons: 1) to reduce the amount of code and 2) to show you that you don't have to create them. About this TutorialIn this section, you'll create a UI that has the following features.
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Modify userForm.jsp to allow creating/editing a weblog [#1]In order for the Struts version of AppFuse to allow editing of a Weblog's attributes from the User object, you need to modify User.java to support indexed properties. You can do this by adding indexedProperties="true" to the @struts.form tag in User.java.
A weblog record has 3 fields: weblogId, blogTitle and dateCreated. The blogTitle is the only field that users should be able to edit. The rest of them can be set programmatically. Open web/pages/userForm.jsp and add the following code to the bottom of the form (between </table> and </form>. <fieldset style="position: absolute; top: 190px; left: 520px"> <legend style="font-weight: bold">Weblogs</legend> <c:forEach var="blog" items="${userForm.weblogs}" varStatus="index"> <input type="hidden" name="weblogs[<c:out value='${index.index}'/>].weblogId" value="<c:out value='${blog.weblogId}'/>"/> <input type="hidden" name="weblogs[<c:out value='${index.index}'/>].dateCreated" value="<fmt:formatDate value='${blog.dateCreated}' pattern="MM/dd/yyyy"/>"/> <input type="text" name="weblogs[<c:out value='${index.index}'/>].blogTitle" size="40" value="<c:out value='${blog.blogTitle}'/>"/><br/> </c:forEach> </fieldset> Run ant clean deploy, go to http://localhost:8080/appfuse/editProfile.html and login as "tomcat/tomcat". You should see a screenshot like the one below. If you try to save at this point, you'll probably get the following error:
The process did not complete. Details should follow.
IllegalArgumentException occurred calling getter of org.appfuse.model.Weblog.weblogId object is not an instance of declaring class This happens because the "weblogs" property of User is populated with a bunch of WeblogForm objects, instead of Weblog objects. Modify the UserAction to support editing a user's weblogs [#2]To fix saving a User, add convertLists(user) to the save() method of UserAction.java (in src/web/**/webapp/action):
In addition, you can add convertLists(user) to UserAction.edit():
This will allow you to get rid of the <fmt:formatDate> tag around the dateCreated property. <input type="hidden" name="weblogs[<c:out value='${index.index}'/>].dateCreated" value="<c:out value='${blog.dateCreated}'/>"/> Run ant deploy, wait for Tomcat to reload your application, and then try saving the User Profile again. This time it should succeed - and you can also change the blog title if you so choose. Create a WeblogAction to handle CRUD-ing Weblogs [#3]In order to edit a Weblog object, and it's children (Users and Entries), you need to create a WeblogAction.java class. Before you do that, you'll need to add a couple constants to src/dao/**/Constants.java:
Then download WeblogAction.java and put it in your src/web/**/webapp/action directory. This class already has the convertLists(Object) methods that you added to UserAction.java. Create JSPs to display a Weblog's information [#4]
Add the ability to edit users from the Weblog Detail Screen [#5]
Add the ability to edit entries from the Weblog Detail Screen [#6]
Add the ability to delete an entry