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JSPWiki v2.2.33
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Editing the menu on the left hand sideThe menu on the left hand side (over there <--) is just a standard Wiki page, called LeftMenu. If you (the administrator) don't want anyone else to modify it, you can always edit LeftMenu, then make the page read-only on the hard drive itself ;-). The lower part of the left hand side is similarly called LeftMenuFooter, and it is fully editable as well. Editing pages directlyBy setting up an InterWiki link called "Edit" in jspwiki.properties you can make direct edit links. For example, this link here (assuming you're using the default configuration from the JSPWiki archive), will take you to the edit mode of this page: Edit:JSPWikiTips. The magical incantation in the jspwiki.properties file is: jspwiki.interWikiRef.Edit = Edit.jsp?page=%s How do I enable the RSS feed?In your jspwiki.properties -file, you'll need to set the "jspwiki.rss.generate" to "true", and also set the "jspwiki.baseURL" to point at your Wiki. Otherwise the RSS generator can't figure out how its links should go... :-) I don't like ThingsSquashedTogether in the page titles. What can I do?As Finns say, "voe tokkiinsa", meaning "yes, of course". Just set the "jspwiki.breakTitleWithSpaces" property to "true" in your jspwiki.properties-file. BookmarkletsBookmarlets are tiny javascript programs stored in a url. (more here) They either live
To use bookmarklets in jspwiki pages, you first need to add a javascript interWikiRef in jspwiki.properties: # javascript, for bookmarklets jspwiki.interWikiRef.javascript= javascript:%s You can now start inserting bookmarklets into your page : Ex 1 : search in this JSPWiki[search here for...|javascript:location.href='http:Search.jsp?query='+ escape(prompt('search for..',''))+'&ok=Find%21'] Ex 2 : Calculator[calculator|javascript:expr=prompt('Formula...(eg: 2*3)','');if(expr){with(Math){evl=parseFloat(eval(expr))}; if(isNaN(evl)){alert('Not a number!')}else{void(prompt('Result:',evl))}}else{void(null)}] (Everything on one line, of course). List of supported functions Ex 3 : is the current page url already stored in the JSPWiki?Adapt (for your wiki) this url, and store it in a new url, in your browser toolbar. javascript:location.href='http://localhost:8080/JSPWiki207/Search.jsp?query=' +escape(location.href)+'&ok=Find%21' Contributed by Alain Ravet. I have a question you have not answered!Well, the easiest thing to do is go directly to the JSPWiki main site and ask your question there. Or you could also email me, but it's better for all if you go and publicly post your query. It does not hurt to take a peek at JSPWiki site anyway, since your question might already be answered there...