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JSPWiki v2.2.33
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This is version 130.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. This is an example, but afterwards the magic fades.
A code example? Welcome to the http://www.crobike.de World of wiki lovers I like wiki it's cool to create your own site every where, thanks. I love it. To test this wiki edit the text below ! And what happens if I refer to the footnote[1]? It creates a link, but footnotes don't appear automatically at the end of the page, so you need to make sure you put them there yourself. Visit http://www.dvbcardgroup.com or http://www.dvbcardgroup.com/nexus or http://www.dvbcardgroup.com or http://www.pansat2300.com or http://www.pansat2300.com/pansat2300.html or http://www.pansat2300.com/blackbird.html Any chance of this getting practiacl applications? Been done at: http://www.furlongspetsupply.com/index.htm Now, go see the TextFormattingRules. This is way better than some other so-called "Wiki" stuff I've seen. [#1] Where does this appear? Attachments: