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This is version 4.
It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. This page is designed to demonstrate how to setup Vizant ![]() 1. Download 2. Define the vizant.jar in lib/lib.properties: # # Vizant - http://vizant.sf.net # vizant.version = 0.1.1 vizant.dir=${lib.dir}/vizant-${vizant.version} vizant.jar=${vizant.dir}/vizant.jar 3. Add the "vizant" target in build.xml: <!-- Visant task for visualizing Ant tasks --> <target name="vizant"> <taskdef name="vizant" classname="net.sourceforge.vizant.Vizant" classpath="${vizant.jar}"/> <mkdir dir="${build.dir}/vizant"/> <vizant antfile="build.xml" outfile="${build.dir}/vizant/build.dot" from="deploy" to="init"> <attrstmt type="node"> <attr name="style" value="filled"/> <attr name="shape" value="egg"/> <attr name="color" value="grey90"/> </attrstmt> </vizant> <exec executable="dot"> <arg line="-Tpng ${build.dir}/vizant/build.dot -o ${build.dir}/vizant/deploy.png"/> </exec> </target> 4. Adjust "from" and "to" attributes in the <vizant> task to fit with the targets you want to diagram. 5. Run "ant vizant".