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It is not the current version, and thus it cannot be edited. Take part in a Struts Resume Architecture Discussion. 2003.10.30 - Thank you number 2 for the Doclet KingNow that the initial thank you is out of the way, here is Thank You #2. I think you should be declared "Doclet King" for the way you have embraced doclet-related software (probably Erik Hatcher too). In any case, since you love doclets sooo much (xdoclet, junitdoclet, etc.), let me introduce you to dbdoclet (DocBook Doclet) Here's what you need to add to your build.xml (my build.xml is slightly different from struts-resume/appfuse, but you'll figure it out). These are the files required: ./build.xml ./dbdoclet.properties ./metadata/xsl/fo.xsl A portion of my build.xml watch out for packagenames="ca.*" (adjust accordingly) <!-- ==================== pdfdoc Target ============================= --> <target name="pdfdoc" depends="compile" description="Create PDF documentation"> <mkdir dir="${dist.apidocs}"/> <!-- === docbook === --> <echo message="Creating docbook"/> <javadoc sourcepath="${src.dir};${gen.dir}" destdir="${dist.apidocs}" packagenames="ca.*"> <classpath refid="compile.classpath"/> <doclet name="com.mf.doclet.docbook.DocBookDoclet" path="${dbdoclet.dir}/doclet/lib/dbdoclet.jar"> <param name="-properties" value="dbdoclet.properties"/> </doclet> </javadoc> <!-- === convert to Full XML with XIncluder === --> <echo message="Running XIncluder"/> <java classname="com.elharo.xml.xinclude.SAXXIncluder" failonerror="yes" dir="${dist.apidocs}" output="${dist.apidocs}/reference-full.xml" fork="yes"> <classpath refid="dbdoclet.xincluder.classpath"/> <arg line="reference.xml"/> </java> <!-- === filter fo.xsl === --> <copy tofile="${dist.apidocs}/fo.xsl" file="${metadata.dir}/xsl/fo.xsl"> <filterset> <filter token="DBDOCLET_HOME" value="${dbdoclet.dir}"/> </filterset> </copy> <!-- === convert to pdf === --> <echo message="Converting to PDF"/> <java classname="org.apache.fop.apps.Fop" failonerror="yes" dir="${dist.apidocs}" fork="yes"> <classpath refid="dbdoclet.fop.classpath"/> <arg line="-xml reference-full.xml"/> <arg line="-xsl fo.xsl"/> <arg line="-pdf reference.pdf"/> </java> </target> This portion of build.xml is dependent on the following metadata/xsl/fo.xsl file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?> <xsl:stylesheet xmlns:xsl="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform" version="1.0" xmlns:fo="http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format" exclude-result-prefixes="#default" > <xsl:import href="file:@DBDOCLET_HOME@/tidbit/docbook/xsl/fo/docbook.xsl"/> <xsl:param name="insert.xref.page.number">yes</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="title.margin.left">0pt</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="use.extensions">1</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="tablecolumns.extension">0</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="generate.index">1</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="admon.graphics">1</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="admon.graphics.path">@DBDOCLET_HOME@/tidbit/docbook/xsl/image s/</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="section.autolabel">1</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="fop.extensions">1</xsl:param> <xsl:param name="draft.watermark.image"></xsl:param> <xsl:param name="section.label.includes.component.label">1</xsl:param> </xsl:stylesheet> and finally dbdoclet.properties # The path of the output file. In the directory of the output file a # subdirectory figures may be created, where the images for the document # are stored. destination.file=reference.xml # One of xml or sgml (case insensitive) docbook.type=xml # The version of the produced DocBook. Should be 3.1 or 4.1 for SGML and # 4.1.2 for XML. docbook.version=4.2 # If set to true, the file Index.sgml is included. To generate an # Index.sgml file you can use the script collateindex.pl. The script is # part of The Modular DocBook Stylesheets. docbook.has-index=true # If set to false, the XML/SGML prolog (<?xml..><DOCTYPE...>) is not # created. This property is necessary, if you want to incorporate the # output into a DocBook source. e.g a website. #docbook.has-prolog=true # A comma separated list of imagedata formats. For every format a # ImageObject -> ImageData entry will be generated. # Postscript for printing # imagedata.formats=eps # PNG for PDF and HTML imagedata.formats=png language=en title=ROSI SWS author.firstname=Student author.surname=Information Systems [email protected] copyright.holder=University of Toronto abstract=Reference Handbook for ROSI SWS Java API # This properties defines the value for the attribute width of the tag # ProgramListing. It specifies the width of the longest line in a # ProgramListing. A formatter can use this value to determine scaling or # the size of the font used. code.width=80 # If set to true, the output of warnings is enabled. parser.warnings=true # If set to true, an inheritance path is added to the overview section # for every class. If known, the classes are referenced among each # other. The default value of this property is true. show.inheritancePath=true # If dot from graphviz 1.8.9 is installed on your system, it is used to # create the class diagrams. This property should contain the path to # the dot binary. program.dot.path=/usr/bin/dot # This property defines the vertical space between the classes in the # class diagrams. The space is an inch value like 0.3. # program.dot.ranksep=0.2 # This property enables fully qualified names in the class diagrams program.dot.qualified-names=trueAnother yummy feature is class diagrams in PNG (or other) format. That's why you need the graphviz package from AT&T ![]() I am currently trying to modify the sources for dbdoclet to add the capability of handling custom tags. Right now xdocle-related custom tags just disappear into thin air. I have a working prototype but will wait to hear from the upstream author before making it available. Any questions, drop me a line. Regards, 2003.10.30 - Thank you for struts-resumeHi Matt, Kudos on your excellent work on appfuse and struts-resume. Since, I've been using appfuse and struts-resume to gather a basic understanding of struts and "helper" technologies, its time to give back a little. I ran into the same problem as yourself, as per your email This is part of action.BaseForm /** * An overridden validate method which attempts to bypass * validation. * <div id="caution_overridden_validate" title="Overridden Validate"> * Due to a bug (or unintended feature) in struts, as * explained in * <a href="http://nagoya.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=16401">this bu g report</a> * its difficult (or impossible) when using the Validator with * LookupDispatchAction to bypass validation on a method level * without employing JavaScript. I thought it would be nice to have * a cancel method with no dependency on JavaScript which was able * to bypass validation. Hence, in this class we override the * validate method and look for the parameter name (e.g., action) and * its value (e.g., Cancel) and if the cancel button was pressed, * the call to super.validate is bypassed. * <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg60 169.html">Initial report</a> * by Matt Raible on struts-user mailing list. * Follow up * <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg129 62.html">1</a> * and * <a href="http://www.mail-archive.com/[email protected]/msg129 66.html">2</a> * by Brandon Goodin on struts-dev mailing list. * </div> * * @param mapping The <code>ActionMapping</code> used to select this * instance * @param request The servlet request we are processing * * @return <code>ActionErrors</code> object that encapsulates any * validation errors */ public ActionErrors validate(ActionMapping mapping, HttpServletRequest request) { // Identify the request parameter containing the method name String parameter = mapping.getParameter(); if( parameter != null ) { // Identify the method name to be dispatched to. String name = request.getParameter(parameter); MessageResources resources = (MessageResources) request.getAttribute(Globals.MESSAGES_KEY); // Identify the localized message for the cancel button String message = resources.getMessage("button.cancel"); // if message resource matches the cancel button then no // need to validate if( name != null && name.equals(message) ) { if( log.isDebugEnabled() ) { log.debug(mapping.getAttribute() + " '" + name + "' method, so no need to validate"); return null; } } } // perform regular validation return super.validate(mapping, request); } What do you think of this approach? Regards, 2003.10.10 - Problem compiling in 0.8I'm trying to compile struts-resume, which I just downloaded to have a sample app dealing with Velocity, but i'm obviously missing org.appfuse.webapp.form.UserForm and UserRoleForm. I manage to find UserForm in security-example1.1.zip but not UserRoleForm.
Is it a mistake or not in your app dist?
2003.09.15 - Small bug discovered in 0.8The global.js javascript file is missing the following method. I've updated the files in 0.8 to fix this bug. Without this method, when a user changes their password, it's not encrypted, and they can't login again. function createFormElement(element, type, name, id, value, parent) { var e = document.createElement(element); e.setAttribute("name", name); e.setAttribute("type", type); e.setAttribute("id", id); e.setAttribute("value", value); parent.appendChild(e); } 2003.09.14 - Struts Resume 0.8 Released!The highlights of this release include rendering a resume with Velocity (demo
2003.07.11 - UML Diagrams AvailableAlejandro Ramirez has been nice enough to supply us with some UML Diagrams 2003.04.04 - Struts Resume 0.7 Released!All kinds of upgrades in this release including: Hibernate (2.0 Beta 4), Struts (1.1-20030326), DBUnit (1.6-dev), Canoo WebTest (build276), XDoclet (1.2-20030328), and Display Tag Library (0.8.5). The only real new features are User Administration and a role-based Menu system. That is, only Admins can edit users. This was mainly motivated by the fact that someone keeps changing the password on the demo site, so now I can reset it using a browser rather than SQL.
AppFuse is Struts Resume without any resume-specific code. I hope to use this project as my baseline for future web application projects. Struts Resume will (hopefully) continue to evolve into an application that I can host my resume on. If you've managed to get Struts Resume to run on databases other than MySQL (shouldn't be too difficult with Hibernate), please let me know using the StrutsResume Support page. Older releases can be found at http://raibledesigns.com/downloads Attachments: