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At line 1 changed 1 line.
This is a quick-n-dirty howto for setting up AppFuse on JBoss. Contributed by <a href="http://www.arc-mind.com/strutsCourse.htm">Rick Hightower</a>, who does Struts Training and Consulting.
!!AppFuse 1.8+ and JBoss 4.0.2
At line 3 changed 1 line.
!!AppFuse Security
;:''Contributed by Ivan Coro (ivcoro at hotmail)''
At line 5 added 79 lines.
(1) First, you need to copy the entire appfuse deployment dir under jboss deploy dir. The default deploy dir in JBoss is something like "/server/default/deploy/". I needed to rename the dir as "appfuse.war" (Notice the .war in the name) so that jboss can detect it and reload it without errors. You can also simply deploy the WAR to this directory. To enable automatic refreshing of JBoss AS WAR deployments add the following entries to your configuration files.
* Add your JBoss home directory to build.properties:
* Add the following Ant targets to the build.xml in the root of your project:
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- The "jboss-undeploy" target deletes the web application archive -->
<!-- from the JBoss servlet container. -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<target name="jboss-undeploy" if="jboss.home"
description="Undeploy '${webapp.name}.war' from JBoss AS">
<echo message="Undeploying '${webapp.name}.war' from JBoss AS..."/>
<delete file="${jboss.home}/deploy/${webapp.war}"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- Refresh - Stops JBoss AS, and refreshes everything -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<target name="jboss-refresh" depends="jboss-undeploy,clean,jboss-deploy"
description="Undeploys, cleans, then re-deploys"/>
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<!-- The "jboss-deploy" target deploys the web application in the war -->
<!-- format to JBoss AS. -->
<!-- =================================================================== -->
<target name="jboss-deploy" depends="package-web" if="jboss.home"
description="Deploy '${webapp.name}.war' to JBoss AS">
<echo message="Deploying '${webapp.name}.war' to JBoss AS..."/>
<copy file="${webapp.dist}/${webapp.war}"
* Run {{ant jboss-refresh}} to refresh your webapp deployment.
%%note __NOTE:__ If you're using AppFuse 1.9+ - you're done! If you'd rather use a JNDI DataSource than the Spring-managed connection pool, you can follow the instructions below. You'll also need to change ''applicationContext-resources.xml'' so the dataSource bean reads from JNDI.%%
(2) Next, you need to configure the datasource in jboss. For this, you need another file named "appfuse-ds.xml" and this file needs to be placed in the "deploy" dir of JBoss, at the same level of your deployed app dir, i.e., /server/default/deploy/. The contents of the file are:
(3) Next, You need a new file named "jboss-web.xml" which should be inside WEB-INF dir of you app. This file is needed for jboss deployment. The contents of this file is as follows:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
%%note __NOTE:__ You need to change the word "appfuse" to the name of the app instance you created if you are not using the default app that comes with appfuse.%%
(4) Restart JBoss service.
You might also checkout [Ken Yee's blog|http://www.keysolutions.com/blogs/kenyee.nsf/d6plinks/KKYE-697VEH] for how he automated deploying AppFuse to JBoss.
!!AppFuse 1.7 and JBoss 3.x.
;:''Contributed by [Rick Hightower|http://jroller.com/page/RickHigh].''
!AppFuse Security
At line 56 changed 1 line.
I subclassed UserManagerImpl, and created a version specific to JBoss, then I changed UserManagerImpl to use a stub method called flushAuthCache.
I subclassed UserManagerImpl, and created a version specific to JBoss, then I changed UserManagerImpl to use a stub method called flushAuthCache. UserManagerJBossSpecific invalidates the user cache using JMX. JBoss is pretty cool!
At line 58 removed 2 lines.
UserManagerJBossSpecific invalidates the user cache using JMX. JBoss is pretty cool!
At line 149 added 1 line.
At line 73 removed 2 lines.
At line 156 added 2 lines.

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