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This page describes my attempt to get AppFuse working on IBM's DB2 8.1
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Setup JDBC Driver [#1]The first step is to add DB2's JDBC Driver to AppFuse. To do this, copy db2java.zip from DB2_INSTALL_DIR/java to appfuse/lib/db2-jdbc-8.1. The name of the directory is arbitrary, just make sure it matches up with your lib.properties file. After doing this, I renamed the jar to be db2java.jar because of issues I've seen with Oracle's classes12.zip.Edit your lib.properties file to include the following information for the db2 driver: # # DB2 - http://www-306.ibm.com/software/data/db2/ # db2.version = 8.1 db2.dir=${lib.dir}/db2-jdbc-${db2.version} db2.jar=${db2.dir}/db2java.jar Edit your build.properties file to reflect your new database of choice. MySQL settings are the defaults specified in properties.xml. Here is a sample for DB2: database.jar=${db2.jar} database.type=db2 #database.name=appfuse database.host=localhost #database URL for creating other databases (not used with db2) database.admin.url=jdbc:${database.type}://${database.host}/db2 database.admin.username=db2admin database.admin.password=db2admin hibernate.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect database.driver_class=COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver database.url=jdbc:${database.type}://${database.host}/${database.name} database.username=db2admin database.password=db2admin You can use the database.properties.reference file for other database's settings. I was unable to create databases on-the-fly (using JDBC) on PostgresSQL (transaction error) or on DB2. Therefore, I changed the "db-create" target to only attempt to do this for MySQL. If you're not using MySQL, you don't need to specify the database.admin.* properties since they won't be used. See the DB2 Sample Script[6] for creating a new database in the Command Line Processor. Now let's looks at tweaks I had to make to AppFuse to make easy database switching a reality. Code/Configuration Tweaks [#2]The first error I got was on the app_user table.[schemaexport] (hbm2ddl.SchemaExport 155 ) [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0542N "EMAIL " cannot be a column of a primary key or unique key because it can contain null values. SQLSTATE=42 831To fix this, I simply changed the e-mail field to be not unique in my XDoclet code. To make this modification, open src/ejb/.../User.java, search for "getEmail" and delete the unique="true" attribute. Of course, you could also make not-null="true". This change has been committed to CVS.
After making this change and running "db-init" again, all tables should create successfully. Now it's time to load the database with our sample data. To do this, run "ant db-load". Wow, that worked for me without any issues - Cool! Now, let's try to run "ant test-ejb". NOTE: After trying AppFuse on PostgreSQL, I discovered that using Hibernate's generator-class="native" for my id's failed. This is likely due to the fact that I'm inserting data (using DBUnit) and the sequences get out of wack. I changed all id's to "increment" (example below) and it fixed the problem. This worked on all the databases I tested (MySQL, PostgreSQL and DB2).
Run JUnit Tests [#3]When running "ant test-ejb", the UserDaoTest.testAddUserRole(), testAddUser() and testRemoveUser() all failed. The last test (removeUser) depends on addUser, so that makes sense why it failed. However, the first two don't make sense. The code for adding a new user role is fairly trivial:
The error I received from the testAddUserRole() method is as follows: [junit] Caused by: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0803N One or mor e values in the INSERT statement, UPDATE statement, or foreign key update caused by a DELETE stateme nt are not valid because the primary key, unique constraint or unique index identified by "1" constr ains table "ADMIN.USER_ROLE" from having duplicate rows for those columns. SQLSTATE=23505 After commenting out the code to remove the User's roles, all the tests run successfully. This must be because the role does not have a primary key. I fixed this by changing the return statement in UserDAOHibernate.saveUser() from return user to return getUser(user.getUsername()). This change has been committed to CVS.
After making this modification, "ant test-ejb" and "ant test-web -Dtestcase=Manager" runs just fine. Sweet! Now let's configure Tomcat to talk to the db2 database. Configure Tomcat to talk to DB2 [#4]Below is the old way to do it. In 1.3, I modified the tomcat-context.xml and hibernate.cfg.xml to get the database-specific attributes replaced at build-time. This eliminates the process below. I'll leave it in here in case you're on an older version of AppFuse.
The first step is to edit metadata/web/tomcat-context.xml. Search and replace the following:
com.mysql.jdbc.Driver -> COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/appfuse?autoReconnect=true -> jdbc:db2:appfuse test -> db2admin (usernames and passwords)Run "ant setup-tomcat" to configure Tomcat with this new context and copy the jdbc driver to $CATALINA_HOME/common/lib. Now we need to edit web/WEB-INF/classes/hibernate.cfg.xml so that Hibernate uses the DB2Dialect instead of the MySQLDialect. Open this file and change this value: net.sf.hibernate.dialect.MySQLDialect -> net.sf.hibernate.dialect.DB2Dialect Now running "ant test-all" (with Tomcat stopped) should result in BUILD SUCCESSFULL. 3 minutes later... Tests FAILED. It looks like DB2 doesn't like the SQL UPPER function: [java] at org.appfuse.dao.UserDAOHibernate.getUsers(UserDAOHibernate.java:89) [java] ... 65 more [java] Caused by: COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0440N No authori zed routine named "UPPER" of type "FUNCTION" having compatible arguments was found. SQLSTATE=42884 After examining the code where upper occurs (getting a list of users), it appears I was doing an upper on the "id" column (BUG ALERT). I changed UserDAOHibernate.listUsersQuery to order by username, and it fixed this problem. This change has been committed to CVS.
Now running "ant test-all" results in:
Total time: 2 minutes 29 seconds Nice! Other issues [#5]"Text" field type in MySQL:After getting AppFuse to work with DB2, I tried to migrate an AppFuse-based application to DB2, and discovered a few more issues. First of all, to mimic the "text" field type in MySQL, I used length="2147483647" as advised by the Hibernate documentation ![]() [schemaexport] (hbm2ddl.SchemaExport 155 ) [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0604N The le ngth, precision, or scale attribute for column, distinct type, structured type, attribute of structu red type, function, or type mapping "VARCHAR(2147483647)" is not valid. SQLSTATE=42611According to this document ![]() Default table space not big enough: [schemaexport] (hbm2ddl.SchemaExport 155 ) [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL0286N A defa ult table space could not be found with a page size of at least "8192" that authorization ID "ADMIN" is authorized to use. SQLSTATE=42727 After searching on Google Conflicts between inserted Ids and existing Ids: Temporary Table Space not big enough: [junit] COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception: [IBM][CLI Driver][DB2/NT] SQL1585N A system temporary ta ble space with sufficient page size does not exist. SQLSTATE=54048Creating a Temporary Table Space that uses the Buffer Pool with page size = 8 fixed this problem. Change defaultAutoCommit: <parameter> <name>defaultAutoCommit</name> <value>true</value> </parameter>Now I have to try and figure out how to get AppFuse running on WebSphere 5.x. This should be fun. ;-) Sample CREATE DATABASE script [#6]After encountering the page size problems above, I spent some time creating a database creation script that sets suitable page sizes for table spaces. I also modified AppFuse so that the "defaultAutoCommit" is "true" out of the box. I tested this on Windows and nothing was case sensitive (all databases and tablespaces names got created in uppercase).-- Create the APPFUSE database create database appfuse -- Connect to database connect to appfuse user db2admin using 'db2admin' -- Create the APPFUSE 8K Buffer Pool -- The IBMDEFAULTBP buffer pool cannot be dropped (SQLSTATE 42832) -- https://aurora.vcu.edu/db2help/db2s0/sqls0629.htm#HDRDROPP create bufferpool APPFUSE_BP size 250 pagesize 8 k -- Create the APPFUSE 8K User Tablespace drop tablespace userspace1 create tablespace userspace1 pagesize 8 k managed by system using ('C:\DB2\NODE0000\SQL00001\SQLT0002.0') bufferpool APPFUSE_BP -- Create the APPFUSE 8K Temp Tablespace create temporary tablespace APPFUSE_TEMP pagesize 8 k managed by system using ('C:\DB2\NODE0000\SQL00001\SQLT0003.0') bufferpool APPFUSE_BP -- DB2 Users are mapped to OS Users, so we can't create them in SQL -- Do this mapping (or New User Creation) manually using the Control Center