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Difference between version 6 and version 5:

At line 36 changed 1 line.
SELECT username FROM app_user WHERE username=?
SELECT password FROM app_user WHERE username=?
At line 119 added 2 lines.
__THIS [BUG IS FIXED|http://www.caucho.com/quercus/bugtrack/view.xtp?bugreport_id=1647] ACCORDING TO THE RESIN TEAM__
At line 155 added 2 lines.
__THIS [BUG IS FIXED|http://www.caucho.com/quercus/bugtrack/view.xtp?bugreport_id=1647] ACCORDING TO THE RESIN TEAM__
At line 158 removed 8 lines.
Now you can try logging in with tomcat/tomcat, but it won't work. It seems that Resin has a problem with using an encrypted password (even though it's just a text string that matches the user's password in the database).
__Workaround #3:__ Change the "encrypt-password" <init-param> (in web.xml) to be ''false''. This is on the Login Servlet (just search for "encrypt-password"). Then change the app_user.password column in the ''appfuse'' database to be "tomcat" instead of the encrypted version.
mysql -u test -p appfuse
update app_user set password = 'tomcat';
At line 188 changed 1 line.
__Workaround #5:__ (''Fixed in CVS'') Disable the compressionFilter by removing its mapping from web.xml.
__Workaround #3:__ (''Fixed in CVS'') Disable the compressionFilter by removing its mapping from web.xml.
At line 204 removed 1 line.
* Remove password encryption by changing the Login Servlet's ''encrypt-password'' init-param (in web.xml) to ''false''. You can do this in the build process by changing "encrypt.password" to ''false'' in app-settings.xml. You could also do it from the command line using -Dencrypt.password=false. For testing, you will need to change a number of files that have the encrypted password. Search for "536c0b339345616c1b33caf454454d8b8a190d6c" and change it to "tomcat".
At line 206 changed 1 line.
* To enable the "Remember Me" feature, remove the <c:if test="${rememberMeEnabled}"> check in loginForm.jsp. (AppFuse 1.3-dev)
* To enable the "Remember Me" feature, uncomment the <dispatcher> elements in web.xml, or just hit invoke the /appfuse/security/ URL to initialize the LoginFilter, which sets the "rememberMeEnabled" variable. (AppFuse 1.3-dev)

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